[170612] 혼밥·혼술 트렌드EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 12. 10:24
Talk about the new trend of eating or drinking alone. In Korea, eating and drinking have traditionally been considered to be group activities. People are accustomed to having company when having meals or having drinks.-> have company 일행이 있다. However, more people are living alone these days. Lovely a corder all household are single person household.-> Roughly, a quarter of all households are sing..
6월 2주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 6. 12. 09:48
6.12First of all, Secondly(=Second of all), Thirdly~I like that it's transparent.For the past (week) 지난 얼마 동안(지난 한 주 동안) spread 자동사/타동사 모두로 쓰여 '바르다', '발리다'와 같이 모두 쓸 수 있다.It also spread smoothly and doesn't feel sticky. This is a list of (our) potential/possible/prospective customers.Email them with the product details/specifications. My shirt is see-through. 속이 다 비치는I like the way it doesn't sho..
[170609] 공항 검색대 통과하기EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 9. 11:38
Talking about going through airport security. When traveling by air, people have to go through airport security.-> go through airport security 공항 검색대를 통과하다. Each country has a different set a rules. However, tight security is found in most places.-> tight security 엄격한 보안 Usually, travelers have to put down their luggage and take off any middle objects like watches, ball pens.-> Usually, traveler..
[170608] 미술관EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 8. 11:47
Talk about art galleries. Korea is a great country for art-lovers. There is no short is a art galleries.-> There is no shortage of art galleries.-> be no shortage of ~이 아주 많다, ~에 부족함이 없다. Some people think that galleries are a bore. However, planning people enjoy taking in a arm.-> However, plenty of people enjoy taking in art.-> take in art 예술을 감상하다. Specializations are works by famous artists ..
6월 1주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 6. 8. 10:06
6.8tallI'm really tall. That building is tall. highThe mountain is high.The score is high. giraffe 기린tongue 혀 eyeball 눈동자eyelashes 속눈썹double eyelids 쌍꺼풀 lettuce 상추Teachers said we can feed them lettuce.Are we allowed to feed them lettuce? I like giraffes more than tigers.Giraffes are better than tigers to me.-> 좋아하는 과일, 동물에 대해 이야기할 때 복수로 사용한다. They are rad.= awesome 6.9a pet Giraffe 애완용일 때 'a pe..
[170602] 분노 조절하기EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 4. 16:56
Talk about how you deal with anger. Everyone gets angry from time to time.-> from time to time 때때로 People can get up set over there work or because of a reasonable behavior of others.-> People can get upset over their work, or because of the unreasonable behavior of others. Driving open triggers and grades well.-> Driving often triggers anger as well.-> trigger anger 분노를 유발하다. When I get angry, ..
[170601] 조기영어교육EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 1. 14:15
Talk about the pros and cons of early English education. Education is a high-priority issue in Korea. Educational verbal is a whole market Korean culture.-> Education fervor is a hallmark of Korean culture.-> educational fervor 교육열, a hallmark of ~의 특징 Children can go to English Kindergartens when they are just 5 years old. As a result, kids often receive early English education. At English kind..
[170531] 현금영수증EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 31. 11:57
Talk about cash receipts in Korea. In Korea, there are separate receipts for cash payments called cash receipts. There are different from ordinary receipts. Credit card payments leave records. These records are stored electronically. However, cash leaves no trace. Cash receipts are intended to leave records for the cash transactions.-> be intended to ~을 목표로 한다, ash transaction 현금 거래 The receipts..