The beauty of strangers공부/TED 2018. 4. 21. 16:38
be obssessed with ~에 사로잡히다poetic 시적인profound 엄청난, 심오한genuine 진심어린liberating 자유화, 해방storm drain 빗물 배수관absurd 터무니없는I stepped back onto the sidewalk.turn around 돌아서다bond 유대 ex) We had this little bond.She has no bonds.by default 자연스럽게, 자동적으로perception 지각, 자각, 인식, 통찰력bias 편견 ex) It's a road to bias.fleeting intimacy 잠깐 동안의 친밀감counterintuitive 직관에 반대되는ex) I know it sounds a little counterintuitive.sp..
Simon Sinek on What It Means to Be a Leader공부/TED 2018. 4. 4. 16:56
layoff render analogylifespanbackwardinherenttangiblerecessionhead countset the tonedeep-seatedconsecutivelyspontaneouslyvisceral hatredPaleolithic eradisproportionatebe recognized forsheer coincidenceThe column came under ambushbe surrounded on three sidesthey came up with a furlough programcolumn of American and Afghan troopsmaking their way through a part of Afghanistana comrade were making t..
How to tame you wandering mind공부/TED 2018. 3. 27. 14:02
gravitas (격식) 진지함glimpse 잠깐(언뜻)봄preoccupied 사로잡힌incorporate 설립하다tame 길들이다deployment 전개, 배치discerning 안목이 있는compassionate 동정하는traumatic 대단히, 정신적 외상을 초래할 정도로hearten 용기(희망)을 북돋으다.exquisite 매우 아름다운, 정교한fast-forward 비디오를 빨리 감다, 앞으로 감다catastrophize 최악의 상황을 상상하다.poignant 가슴 아픈perception 지각, 자각vulnerable 취약한, 연약한fragile 부서지기/손상되기 쉬운diminish 줄어들다, 약해지다.foggy 안개가 낀distracted 산만해진fogginess 안개가 낀, 흐릿함, 애매함g..