EBS/Easy English
1월 2주차EBS/Easy English 2018. 1. 9. 17:59
1.8새해 복 많이 받으세요.Happy new year! 준 과장님도요. 2018년에 좋은 일만 가득하길 바랍니다.And to you as well. All the best for 2018. 새해 결심하셨어요?Did you make any resolutions? 사실 작년이랑 똑같아요. 규칙적으로 운동하고 살도 빼고 싶어요.Actually, they're the same as last year. I want to exercise regularly and lose weight. 저거 쿠키에요?Are those cookies? 그렇긴한데 살 빼고 싶다고 하지 않으셨어요?They are, but didn't you say you wanna lose weight?-> lose my weight 틀린 표현 ouc..
1월 1주차EBS/Easy English 2018. 1. 6. 13:24
1.1보세요! 눈이 내려요. 땅이 눈으로 덮였어요. 엄마, 아빠 우리 썰매 타러 가요.Look! It's snowing. The ground is covered with snow. Mom, dad, Let's go sledding.-> My car/house is covered with snow. 그러자. 내가 이 근처에 썰매 타러 갈 괜찮은 곳을 찾아볼게.Okay, I'll find a good place for sledding around here.-> place 넓은 곳 vs spot 특정한 어떤 곳이나 좁은 곳, 여기서는 둘다 사용할 수 있다. 여기 가자. 스노우랜드라고 하는 큰 리조트야.Let's go here. It's a big resort called Snowland. 얘들아, 옷 단단히 ..
12월 4주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 12. 29. 20:06
12.25엄마, 저 강아지 키우고 싶어요.Mom, I want a dog. 음, 우리 아들 이리 와서 앉으렴.My sweetie, come here and sit down. 강아지를 키우는건 책임이 따르는 일이란다. Having a dog takes responsibility.cf) Raising a kid.cf) takes time/energy 너 매일 강아지 밥 주고 산책시킬 수 있겠니? 그리고 용변도 치울거야?Can you feed and walk it every day? And will you clean up after it?potty-train 배변훈련하다.cf) He is just doing potty-training. He is not potty trained. 할 수 있을 것 같아요.Wel..
12월 3주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 12. 19. 06:11
12.18터키에는 처음 오신거에요?Is this your first time in Turkey?= Is this your first time visit to Turkey?= It it your first time/trip here?= Have you (ever) been here before? 아니요, 전에 터키에 와봤어요.No, I've been to Turkey before.cf) I was here last year on vacation.cf) I've made many trips here. cf) I took/make a trip to Busan last weekend. 근데 여기 이즈미르에는 처음이에요. 이즈미르가 터키에서 2번째로 큰 도시인가요?But it's my first time here..
12월 2주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 12. 14. 17:22
12.11여기서 일하신지 얼마나 됐어요? 소민 과장님.How long have you worked here, Somin? 2014년부터요. 올해가 4년째에요.Since 2014. This is my fourth year (working here).= This is for four years. = Almost four years. 그렇군요. 결혼은 하셨어요?I see. Are you get married? 아니요. 결혼은 생각해본 적이 없어요.No, I haven't thought about getting married.= I'm not ready.= Yet.= It's too early to think about that.= I'm happy being single.= The time hasn't com..
12월 1주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 12. 4. 18:18
12.4I'm feeling down. I've got the Monday blues. 엄마, 깨끗한 양말을 찾을 수가 없어요.Mom, I can't find any clean socks.= I need a pair of socks.= What happened all my socks?= Where did all my socks go? 어 서랍은 확인해봤니?Did you check your drawer/closet? 네, 근데 세탁한건 하나도 없어요.Yes, but there were no clean ones. 그럼 아빠 양말 신어.Then wear your dad's socks. 엄마가 빨래를 할 시간이 없었어.I didn't have time to do the laundry/do a wash.= I n..
11월 5주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 11. 27. 17:25
11.27여보, 문 좀 열어줄래? 택배 기사가 왔어.Honey, Can you get the door? It's a delivery man. -> get the door = open the door = answer the door ex) Someone's at the door. I'm busy. Can you get the door, please? ex) The door bell rang. Can you get it? 알았어~Okay. 우와 많이 샀네. 뭘 산거야?Wow, you bought a lot. What did you buy? 베이킹 파우더랑 구연산 또 몇 가지 더~Baking powder, citric acid and some other stuff. 뭐에 쓰려고?What for? 세제로 쓸거야..
11월 4주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 11. 21. 17:42
11.20탈린까지는 어떻게 가나요?How can I get to Tallinn? 페리로요. 저쪽에 터미널 보이세요?By ferry. Do you see the terminal over there? 아, 네. 저게 여객터미널인가요?Oh, yeah. That's the ferry terminal? 네, 표는 인터넷으로 예약하시면 돼요.Yeah, You can reserve a ticket online.= Yon can get a refund on the Internet. 얼마에요? 18유로쯤이요.For how much? About 18 Euros. 근데 이거 믿지는 마시고요. 홈페이지에서 확인해보시면 돼요.Don't take my word for it. You should check the website.=..