5월 4주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 5. 22. 09:44
5.22I'm the opposite. What are you doing with that table/pen/water? I'm going to make it a bookshelf.You are breaking it apart/interpieces? 분해하는거에요?You take something useless and make it useful. 5.23Is it different from recycling?What's the difference between A and B? Recycling is just reusing all things.Upcycling is creating something completely new. creating new things. making something new. I..
[170505] 놀이공원EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 18. 14:41
Talk about Korean theme parks. Korea has assure of them parks.-> Korea has its share of theme parks. There are several major wanjenso and surrounding reason.-> There are several major ones in Seoul and the surrounding region. Plus, there are local theme parks in each city as well. These parks are all switch of rise all H groups.-> These parks have all sorts of rides for all age groups. Some of t..
[170504] 한류열풍EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 18. 14:09
Talk about Korean pop-culture wave. Korean Pop culture starts to game popularity in neighboring countries early 2000s.-> Korean pop-cultures started to gain popularity in neighboring countries in the early 2000s. Now there are fans all across the world. Korean TV dramas or comedy shows are often aired in other countries and Korean movies are being released overseas as well. Some head dramas have..
[170503] 석가탄신일EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 18. 13:48
Talk about Buddha's Birthday. Many Koreans are Buddhists. There are Buddhist temples all across the country. That being the case, Buddha's Birthday is recognized as a public holiday in Korea. It is April 8th on a lunar calendar. It usually lands on a day between late April and early May on the solar calendar. The streets are decorated buddy loads leterns to memorize these days.-> The streets are..
[170518] 국제 스포츠 행사EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 18. 11:31
Talk about International sporting events. The entire world is brought together as one at many international sporting events. Olympic sender will cooper could examples.-> The Olympics and the World cup are good examples. These events promote positive values. Fair play and sportsmanship are most important. Sporting event also boost page retaesim?-> Sporting events also boost patriotism. Rooting fo..
[170508] 인형뽑기EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 17. 16:06
인형뽑기 놀이에 대해 이야기해 주세요.Talk about claw machine games. 요즘 인형뽑기 놀이가 유행이다.Claw machine games, or crane games, are trending these days. 예전엔 오락실이 있었지만 요즘은 인형뽑기 게임을 전문적으로 다루는 가게들을 전국 곳곳에서 볼 수 있다. They used to be found at arcades. However, these days you can find stores that specialize in claw machine games all over the country. 기계에는 다양한 상품들이 가득하다.The machines are filled with various prizes. 사람 인형이나 동물 인..
[170509] 대통령 선거EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 17. 16:06
대통령 선거에 대해 이야기해 주세요.Talk about the presidential election. 오늘은 한국의 대통령 선거일이다.Today is the presidential election day in Korea. 선거일에는 사람들이 투표를 하러 지역 투표소로 간다.On election day, people go to their local polling stations to cast their votes. 투표는 권리이자 의무이다.Voting is a right and a responsibility. 그렇기 때문에 대부분의 모범적인 시민들은 반드시 투표를 한다.That's why most model citizens make sure to vote. 유권자들은 나라를 가장 잘 이끌 거라고 생각하는..
[170517] 한국 사회의 자원봉사EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 5. 17. 13:58
한국 사회의 자원봉사 활동에 대해 이야기해주세요.Talk about volunteering in Korean society. 한국 사람들은 자주 봉사활동에 참여한다.Korean people often take part in volunteer work. 설문에 의하면 작년에 모든 한국인 중 대략 10%가 자원봉사를 했다.Surveys show that roughly 10 percent of all Koreans volunteered last year. 자원봉사자들은 진심 어린 선의를 가지고 일을 한다.Volunteers do the work out of goodness their hearts. 다른 속셈은 없다.They have no ulterior motive. 그저 도움을 주고 싶은 것뿐이다.The j..