
  • [170612] 혼밥·혼술 트렌드
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 12. 10:24

    Talk about the new trend of eating or drinking alone.

    In Korea, eating and drinking have traditionally been considered to be group activities.

    People are accustomed to having company when having meals or having drinks.

    -> have company 일행이 있다.

    However, more people are living alone these days.

    Lovely a corder all household are single person household.

    -> Roughly, a quarter of all households are single person households.

    -> Roughly 대략, households 가계, single person households 1인 가구

    As a result, eating alone has become a widespread trend.

    -> become a widespread trend 널리 퍼진 트렌드가 되다.

    People also drink on their own quite often.

    -> On one's own 혼자서

    In the past, most people were self-conscious when they went to a restaurant or a bar alone.

    Now, it's not a big deal.

    -> be not a big deal 대수롭지 않다.

    Recognizing this new trend, companies are developing products gear tour sing people.

    -> Recognizing this new trend, companies are developing products geared toward single people.

    -> geared toward ~를 겨냥한

    Singles-serve meals and smaller packages can be bought at most stores.


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