
  • 6월 2주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 6. 12. 09:48


    First of all, Secondly(=Second of all), Thirdly~

    I like that it's transparent.

    For the past (week) 지난 얼마 동안(지난 한 주 동안)

    spread 자동사/타동사 모두로 쓰여 '바르다', '발리다'와 같이 모두 쓸 수 있다.

    It also spread smoothly and doesn't feel sticky.

    This is a list of (our) potential/possible/prospective customers.

    Email them with the product details/specifications.

    My shirt is see-through. 속이 다 비치는

    I like the way it doesn't show. 티가 안나서 좋아요.

    It's likely to rain today. 오늘 비가 오겠어(가능성 있을 때).


    They are coming to visit my/our office.

    They said they would visit us next week.

    -> us를 my/our company와 같이 사용하지 않는다.

    From where/what company?

    A startup in Indonesia.

    Asia : 에이자

    sia로 끝나는 철자는 '자'라고 발음한다.

    Prepare something 그것을 준비하다.

    Let's prepare a variety of food. 

    Prepare for something 그것을 대비하다.

    Let's prepare for the party.


    leaflet 한 장으로 된 것

    brochure 책자

    I found out eye cosmetic/makeup is growing.

    Eye cosmetic is fast growing market.

    Their original plan was the visit us on June 20th, but they postponed.

    They were going to come on June 20th, but they changed their plans.

    have a meeting/conference 후자의 경우, 규모가 큰 경우에 사용한다.

    ex) They want to have a meeting on July 10th/the 10th of July.

    Any other responses/replies to our email?

    -> responses에서 'p'에 강세를 준다. to our에서 'o'는 거의 발음하지 않아도 된다.


    about ~에 대한 vs on 어떤 것에 대한 정보나 자료 ex) on our sunblock 우리 회사의자외선 차단제

    It's been a good/fruitful/productive/valuable/worthwhile week 성과가 좋은 한 주였네요.


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