
  • 6월 3주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 6. 19. 10:16


    The top of mountain, mountaintop 낮은 산의 정상

    The peak of mountain (아주 높은) 산의 정상

    summit 아주 높은 산 ex) 에베레스트

    It's a perfect day for hiking.

    You are not saying you want to hike up to 비봉, are you?.

    Do you want to hike (up) to 비봉?

    Are you saying you want to hike to 비봉?

    Hey, don't tell me you want to hike to 비봉.

    You are not telling me~

    The 둘레길 is made up of 21 sections/hiking trails/hiking paths in total.

    It has 21 sections/parts/trails.

    It contains 21 sections in total.

    It is divided into 21 separate sections.


    How long does it take to finish each trail?

    Each trail is different.

    The trails are all different.

    Each trail has different length and level.

    The trails come in different length and level.

    Does this shirt come in red? 이 셔츠 빨간색으로도 나오나요?

    Which course shall/should we take?

    walk the trail.

    walk along the trail.

    walk down the trail from there.

    We can quit whenever.

    We can stop and turn back whenever we want.

    We need to stop and turn back. I left my wallet at home.

    Whatever it's comfortable. 편한대로~, 아무데나 편할데 가지 뭐, 우리가 편할대로 하면 되죠.


    Where did I put my hiking gear?

    Where's my hiking gear?

    -> hiking gear 등산용품(등산복 등 장비를 모두 표현할 수 있는 단어)

    Let's just wear something comfortable.

    -> Something comfortable/light 편한 것

    Something that dries quickly 빨리 마르는 것

    I sweat a lot/ton. 땀을 많이 흘리다.

    we will be soaked. (땀, 비 등으로) 흠뻑 젖을거야.

    Can we get there by subway or by bus?

    Whatever it's comfortable. 어제 배운 표현을 여기서도 활용할 수 있다.

    looks = should be

    It will do the job/trick. 거기에 딱 맞는거야.


    The bus comes in 20 minutes.

    (Do you) want to take the subway, instead?

    How about (taking) the subway, instead (of bus)?

    What do you say we take the subway?

    -> What do you say는 상대방의 의견을 물어볼 때 사용한다.

    Do you mind if we take the subway? 정중한 표현으로 부부가 아닌 상사 등에게 쓸 때 사용한다.

    Let's just get coffee and wait.

    They started selling real black coffee.

    That will be 30,000 won.

    self-serve 셀프서비스


    Where should we get off? 우리 어디서 내려야하죠?

    Maybe at 사기막골.

    Are you going to 북한산 둘레길?

    Do you want me to drop you/me/us off at the beginning/start/entrance of trail?

    I can drop you off at the start of trail.

    I can take you at the beginning of trail.

    I will be happy to drop you off at the entrance of trail.

    That would be lovely. 그거 좋죠, 너무 세세하세요.

    We are walk down from 사기막골.

    Just doing my job.

    That's my job.

    That's what I get paid for.

    Just another day on the job.

    No worries/biggie!

    What a nice driver.


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