
  • 6월 4주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 6. 26. 10:13


    Let's go to the movies. 영화 보러 가자(한 편을 보러가더라도 복수형으로 사용)

    Some people reserve extra seats at the movies.

    -> at the movies 극장

    more than they need

    They cancelled the extra seats 20 minutes before the movie starts.

    They have more room to themselves.


    How could you do/say that? 어떻게 그렇게 해, 어떻게 그럴 수가 있어

    How selfish/rude/self-centered/their day/inconsider it! 

    I know it's so unethical.

    No-shows are a big problem these days.

    No-shows have become more and more problem.

    They called those people no shows?

    Those people are called no shows?

    No-shows is a person who reserved space, but doesn't show up.

    My date didn't show up. 데이트상대가 나타나지 않았다.

    He stood me up. 바람 맞히다.


    No shows are everywhere.

    They especially hurt business for restaurants.

    They bad for business.

    How's business going?

    I read something about that lately.

    Someone reserved 20 meals at a restaurant and didn't show up.

    Think of all the food went to waste.

    All my money went to down the drain. 돈을 날렸어.

    They didn't pay for the food.

    This really needs to stop. 이런 것은 정말 근절되야해.

    This can't go on any longer.

    This needs to put to an end. 조금 더 강한 표현이다.


    I'm checking a policy about my round trip plane ticket.

    I'm checking something about my plane ticket.

    I'm checking regarding my ticket.

    I'm checking in regard to my ticket.

    I'm looking something up about my plane ticket.

    -> airlines cancellation policy 취소 규정, refund policy 환불 규정, look up (정보를) 찾아보다.

    What about?

    I can make my outbound flight, so I'm checking if I can cancel/whether I can cancel or not.

    I can't make my outbound flight.

    If I don't board outbound flight, the inbound ticket is automatically canceled.

    This has to/must change.

    This needs to be changed.

    I need to alter my jeans.

    -> change와 alter는 바꿔서 쓸 수 있다.


    Some airlines charge a big penalty for no shows.

    -> 페널티, 가격에는 'a'가 붙는다.

    Some airlines make you pay big when you miss your flight.

    You are going to pay big.

    -> 정말 큰 대가를 치르게 될거야. 

    Can't you cancel or change the ticket?

    It's a special deal. 

    -> special ticket이라고 하면 안된다. 그 티켓이 왜 특별한지 부연설명을 해야한다.

    I got a special/discount price.

    It was a bargain (deal).

    What a bargain.

    You should get on that flight/board

    Something came up (예정되지 않은) 어떤 문제가 생기다, 사정이 생기다.

    Don't ask me. I don't want to explain.

    Can I use the ticket instead of you?

    I don' think so. I can't change the passenger's name.


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