
  • 7월 2주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 7. 10. 11:44


    Do you happen to be James Waden from Indonesia.?

    -> happen to 혹시

    You must be James Waden. vs Are you James Waden?

    당신이 ~이신군요.

    The pleasure is mine.

    만나뵈서 제가 더 반갑죠.

    At least, I got some sleep on the plane.

    그래도, 잠은 좀 잤어요.

    -> I slept & I took a nap 비행기에서는 둘다 사용할 수 있다. 

    -> I got some shut eye. 눈 좀 붙이다.

    Come this way vs Please follow me.

    -> follow는 please를 붙이는게 공손하여 좋다.

    I'll take you to your hotel vs Let me take you to your hotel

    -> Let me가 조금 더 공손하다.


    한국에서는 여름이 보통 이런가요?

    Is this typical for summer in Korea?

    = Is this a typical summer here?

    장마철에는 비도 많이 내려요.

    It rains a lot during the rainy/monsoon season.

    그래도 뭐 저는 더운 날씨에 익숙해서요.

    Well, at least I'm used to hot weather.

    = I don't mind hot weather.

    = I can stand hot weather.

    = Hot weather is nothing new for me.

    다음에는 겨울에 오시는게 어떠세요?

    How about coming during the winter next time?

    눈 내리는 겨울을 보실 수 있겠네요.

    Snowing winter season

    그럼 당연히 오셔야죠.

    Then you definitely have to come.


    제임스 웨이든이란 이름으로 예약했는데요?

    I made a reservation under the name James Waden.

    -> on behalf of somebody

    = I have a room for Jame Waden.

    = I made a reservation (for two night) for Jame Waden

    = I reserved a room for two night under the name Jame Waden.

    네, 여깄네요.

    Yes, it's here.

    이틀밤 예약하셨네요, 맞습니까?

    You reserved for two nights, correct?

    목요일에 나가시는거네요.

    He's leaving on Thursday.

    여기 열쇠 받으세요. 객실은 7층에 있습니다. 엘리베이터는 저쪽에 있습니다.

    Here's your key. The room is on the 7th floor. The elevator(미)/lift(영) is over there.

    조식은 2층에서 6부터 10시까지에요.

    Breakfast is (served) from six to ten on the second floor.

    -> from A to B = between A and B

    퇴실은 몇 시인가요?

    What time is check out?

    늦은 퇴실이 가능한가요?

    Is late check out available?

    시간당 만원의 추가요금으로 제공하고 있습니다.

    We do offer it for an extra charge of 10,000 won per/an hour.

    = We have it for 10,000 won

    = It's available for an extra charge of 10,000 won per/an hour.


    내일 언제 어디서 만나면 되죠?

    When and Where should we meet tomorrow?

    = When should we meet tomorrow and where?

    -> Shall로 바꿜 쓸 수 있는데 shall은 영국에서 자주 사용한다. 미국의 경우, 격식을 차리는 표현이다.

    제가 같이 아침식사를 하러 여기로 될까요?

    How about I come here for breakfast with you.

    식사 후에 저희 회사로 같이 가면 되니까요.

    We can go our office after breakfast.

    -> my work, my office, our office 모두 사용할 수 있다. 개인 사무실이 아닌 회사에서 이렇게 사용한다.

    여기로 아침 몇 시에 오실 수 있나요?

    What time can you be/come/make it here?

    7시 30분 괜찮으신가요?

    The 7:30 work for you?

    -> I tried to make it by 7:30.


    얼마나 기다리셨어요?

    How long have you been waiting?

    = How long did you wait?

    걱정마요. 방금 왔어요.

    -> Don't worry. It's okay. I just got here.

    -> I've been waiting for two hours.

    -> I'm sorry, I'm late. How long have you been long?/Did you wait for a long time?

    아침먹으러 2층으로 올라가시죠.

    Let's go up/down to the second floor for breakfast.

    = Let's go up one(two) floor(s). 

    = Let's have breakfast on the second floor.

    = Let's head to the second floor for breakfast.

    저기 있는 계단으로 올라가면 되겠네요.

    Let's take the stairs over there.

    = we can take the stairs over there.

    = The stairs are over there.

    = Let's head up the stairs over there.

    잘 잤어?

    How did you sleep?

    잘 잤어요.

    I slept like a baby.

    = I slept well.

    = I had a good/great night sleep.

    = I slept like a log(통나무).

    = I didn't toss and turn.

    Let's go upstairs.

    Let's go up to the second floor.


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