7월 4주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 7. 24. 14:44반응형
I'm guilty. 찔려요
smartphone addicts 스마트폰 중독자
저 남자 좀 봐.
Look at that guy.
자기 전화기에서 눈을 못 떼고 있어.
He doesn't take his eyes off his phone.
= He doesn't stop looking at his phone.
= He is staring at his phone.
= He keeps looking at his phone.
= His eyes are glued to his phone. 눈이 폰에 붙었네.
-> Hey, pay attention!
맞아. 저거 위험한대.
Right, That's dangerous.
저 사람한테 경적을 울려야 하나.
Should I honk (at him)?
응, 이어폰도 꽂고 있어
Yeah, He's even wearing ear phones.
혹시 모르니까 속도를 줄여야겠다.
I'd better slow down just in case.
= I should slow down (in case he doesn't see me.)
-> go slowly는 부자연스럽다. slow down이 자연스럽다. 반대는 speed up이다.
-> You look like a Sunday driver. 왜 이리 천천히가.
그래, 이 근처에 저런 사람들이 많아.
Yep, There are many people like him around here.
너무 많은 사람들이 스마트폰에 중독이 되있어.
So many people are addicted to their smartphones.
= So many people love their phones.
= So many people cannot live without their smartphones.
나도 그 중 하나야.
I'm one of them.
나도 찔리네.
I'm guilty too.
나는 전화기가 없으면 불안해.
I'm nervous when I don't have my phone with me.
= I don't feel good without my phone.
= I feel uneasy without my phone.
나도 자기 전에 전화기를 거실에 둘까 했어.
I thought of leaving my phone in the living room before going to bed.
그래서 정말 그렇게 했어?
So, did you really do that?
못했지, 의지가 부족하더라구.
I couldn't. I don't have the will power.
-> will power = self control
-> Do you have enough will power?
너한테 전화왔는데?
Hey, someone's calling you.
= Your phone is ringing.
아들이네. 지금 수업중일텐데....
Oh, It's my son. He should be in class right now.
= He's in class/school now.
= He should be in the middle of class.
왜 전화를 한거지?
I wonder why he is calling.
-> Why he's calling now?
받아야겠다. 급한 일인 것 같아.
I should pick up the phone. It could be emergency (situation)
= I should answer.
= I can't ignore this call.
= I should take this call.
= I've got a take this (call)
-> hang up 끊다.
-> get the phone 전화 받아.
-> go ahead (양보, 예의 바른 표현) 전화받아, 드세요, 먼저 타세요.
먼저 차를 세우지 그래.
Why don't you pull over first?
-> stop the car 그 자리에 정차하는 것
차를 세울 데가 없어.
There's no way to pull over.
내가 받아줄까?
Do you want me to answer it?
= Do you wanna take this call for you?
여보세요, 얘야 무슨 일이니?
Hello, hon(ey). Is something wrong?
= Is something come up?
= What happened?
저 오늘 영어학원 빼먹어도 돼요?
Can I skip (my) English academy today?
= Let me skip English (class)
= I'm begging you (to let me skip English today). 제발요.
= Do I really have to go to English (class after school) today?
-> Can I skip breakfast/my work out?
-> English academy = private tutoring
뭐라고? 너 농담하니?
What? Are you kidding me?
그거 물어보려고 전화한거야?
You are calling me to ask that?
숙제를 안했어요. 선생님이 저 가만히 안보내주실거에요.
I didn't do my homework. My teacher's going to kill me.
-> I didn't do my house chores.
-> I didn't clean my house.
= I'm worried about it.
오, 이런! 차를 세우라고 하네.
Oh, no! I'm being pulled over.
= I got pulled over.
운전 중에 전화통화를 하셔서 세운 겁니다.
I pulled you over for talking on the phone while driving.
아들한테 온 급한 전화였어요. 잠깐 전화한건데요.
It was an emergency call from my son. It was a short call.
= My son had an emergency.
= It was a critical call. 중요한 전화였어요.
그래도 그건 불법입니다. 면허증을 보여주세요.
That's still illegal. Show me your driver's license.
이번만 봐주세요.
Please, let it go this time.
= let it slide this time. 그냥 보내주세요.
= Just let me off this time.
= Forgive me this time.
금방오겠습니다. 차 안에서 기다리세요.
I'll be back. Wait in your car.
여기에 서명하셔야 합니다.
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