
  • 7월 3주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 7. 17. 09:45


    우리 휴가 어디로 가나요?

    Where are we going for vacation?

    서해안으로 가는거 어떨까? 

    How about going to the west coast?

    갯벌에서 조개를 캘 수 있잖니.

    We can dig for clams on the mudflats.

    -> mussel 홍합, oyster 굴

    재밌을 것 같아요.

    Sounds (like) fun.

    저 조개 캐는거 아주 좋아해요.

    I love digging for clams.

    좋아. 그럼 가서 네 짐을 챙기렴.

    Okay. Then go and pack your things/stuff/back.

    = go and pack (all the stuff you need)

    = (Let's) pack.

    = pack your bag(s)/baggage/luggage

    = Start packing

    우리 지금 가는거에요?

    Are we leaving now?

    아니, 내일 아침 일찍 출발할거야.

    No, we are leaving first thing tomorrow morning.

    = we are heading out tomorrow.

    = we are leaving early tomorrow.

    = we are leaving as soon as we get up in the morning.

    -> first thing tomorrow morning 내일 아침 일찍

    알겠어요. 짐을 챙기기 시작할게요.

    Okay, I will start packing/to pack.

    The Korean peninsula(퍼닌술라)



    여기가 당신이 예약한 곳이에요?

    Is this the one you reserved?

    어때요? 상상했던 그대로네요. 아주 잘 골랐어요.

    How do you like it? It's just what I pictured/imagined. Great choice.

    = How do you feel in the studio? It's everything I was expecting.

    마음에 든다니 기분 좋네요.

    I'm glad you like it.

    이 호텔에서 하룻밤 자는게 내 버킷리스트에 있었거든요.

    Spending a night at this hotel has been on my bucket list.

    = I am really wanting to stay here.

    와, 여기 정말 엄청크네요.

    Wow, this place is huge.

    우리 라운지에 가서 환영 음료 마셔요.

    Let's go to the lounge and have some welcome drinks.


    저기 얘들아. 장화 신으렴.

    Hey, kids. Put on these boots.

    -> rubber boots 고무장호 

    이거 제꺼에요?

    Are these mind?

    -> 부츠가 한 켤레, 즉 2개니 these를 쓴다.

    아니 그거 네 남동생거야.

    No, Those are for your little brother.

    -> It fits me. vs It doesn't fit me.

    이게 네거야 신어봐

    These are yours.

    = Try them on.

    = Put them on.

    우린 이 모종삽도 필요해

    We need these trowels/shovels too.

    이건 어디에 쓰는거에요?

    What are those for?

    = What is this for?

    조개를 캘 때 쓰는거지.

    To dig out the clams.


    조개캐는거 엄청 재미있어요.

    Digging clams is so much fun.

    -> Swimming in the ocean is so much fun.

    -> It's a blast. 최고다. I'm having a blast digging clams.

    몇 개나 캤니?

    How many did you get?

    양동이가 가득 찼어요. 직접 보세요.

    My bucket is full. See for yourself.

    -> Check it out = Have a look = Take a look (for yourself)

    우와, 많이 캤구나.

    Wow, you got a lot.

    우리 내일도 다시 올 수 있어요?

    Can we come again tomorrow?

    그러지 뭐.

    Why not?

    우리 더 큰 양동이를 가져오자.

    Let's bring a bigger bucket.

    제 말이 그 말이에요.

    That's what I'm talking about.

    사랑해요. 아빠.

    Love you, Dad.


    그래, 오늘 오후엔 뭐하고 싶어요?

    So, what do you want to do this afternoon?

    우리 해수사우나에 가는거 어때요?

    How about going to the ocean spa?

    부두 근처에 있는거 말이에요?

    You mean the one near the dock?

    맞아요, 거기 물이 깨끗하고 미네랄도 풍부하다고 들었어요.

    I heard the water there is clean and full of minerals.

    = Someone told me~

    = I was told~

    좋아요. 우리 거기 가기 전에 점심부터 먹읍시다.

    All right. Let's have lunch before we head over there.

    = Let's have lunch first and the go to spa.

    얘들아, 너희들 밥 먹을래 국수 먹을래?

    Okay, hey kids. Do you want to eat rice or noodles?


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