8월 1주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 8. 8. 11:08반응형
이지야, 와서 아침 먹어라.
Easy, come in eat breakfast.
= Breakfast is ready.
저 먹고 싶지 않아요.
I don't want to eat.
아침을 거르면 수업시간에 집중할 수가 없어.
You can't focus in class if you skip breakfast.
= Breakfast is important.
= You can't focus on/with low blood sugar.
입맛이 하나도 없어요.
I don't have (any) appetite.
cf) I lost my appetite. 식욕이 없어졌어, 입맛 떨어졌어.
그래도 우유 한 잔이라도 마셔.
Have a glass of milk at least.
알겠어요. 엄마 저 돈 좀 주세요.
Okay. Please give me some money, mom.
뭐 때문에? 너 벌써 용돈 다 썼니?
What for? Did you spend all your allowance?
거의다요. 친구한테 돈 갚아야 돼요.
Almost, I need to pay back my friend.
= I'm in debt to my friend.
= I owe my friend ten dollars.
= You owe me ten dollars.
그래, 얼마가 필요한대?
So how much do you need?
10만원만 주세요.
A hundred thousand won, please.
뭐라고? 그건 너무 많아. 5만원 줄게.
What? That's too much. I'll give you fifty thousand won.
알겠어요. 그리고 저 한 달 용돈 올려주실 수 있어요?
Fine, and by the way can you raise my monthly allowance?
cf) raise my kids/dog
= Can you give me more/higher allowance?
= Can you boost my allowance?
-> booster seat for babies.
왜 돈이 더 필요한대?
Why do you need more money?
모든게 더 비싸지고 있어요.
Things are getting more expensive.
= Prices are going up.
= The cost of living is increasing.
cf) The stocks are skyrocketing.
Well, I will think about it.
cf) please, think about it.
우리 엄마가 내 용돈을 안 올려주셔.
My mom won't give me an increase in my allowance.
= My mom won't increase/raise/boost my allowance.
= She refuses to increase my allowance.
= I ask her to give me more allowance.
cf) The door/car won't open.
너 얼마받는데?
How much do you get?
일주일에 이만원.
Twenty thousand per week.
내가 받는 것보다 많은대
That's more than what I get.
그게 부족해?
That's not enough?
응, 난 늘 돈이 모자라.
Yes, I'm always low/short on money.
cf) I'm short on time. 시간이 부족해요.
-> I'm short 200 won. 택시를 타고 거스름돈이 모자랄 때
어떻게하면 엄마가 일주일에 삼만원으로 올려주시게 할 수 있을까?
How can I get her to raise it to 30,000 won per week?
-> make를 사용하고 to를 제외할 수 있다. 하지만 make는 의미가 강해 get을 써야한다.
= How can I get her to give me 30,000 won per week?
= How can I make her give me 30,000 won per week? 의미는 강하지만 친구끼리는 괜찮다.
= How can I persuade her to raise it to 30,000 won per week?
모르겠는데 네가 씀씀이를 자제하는 법을 배워야할 것 같아.
I don't know. You should learn how to control your spending.
사고 싶은게 너무 많단 말이야.
There are so many things I want to buy.
= I wanna buy a lot of stuff.
= I have a ton of my stuff.
얘, 우린 학생이잖아. 돈을 벌지 않는다구. 하고 싶은 걸 다할 수는 없어.
Come on! We are students. We don't make money. we can't do everything we want.
너 말하는게 우리 아빠 같다.
You sound like my dad.
Stop bossing me around. 나한테 이래라저래라 하지마.
이지야 이리와. 네 용돈에 대해서 이야기해보자.
Easy, Come (over) here. Let's talk about your allowance.
엄마, 제 용돈 안올려주셔도 괜찮아요.
Mom, you don't have to raise my allowance.
왜 마음을 바꾼거니?
Why did you change your mind?
= What makes you change you mind?
씀씀이를 조절해보려구요.
I will try to control my spending.
= I will try to save money.
= I will try to limit my spending.
이야~ 우리 착한 아들. 대견한대? 그럼 그 이야기는 학년이 올라가면 다시 이야기해보자.
Oh, That's my boy. I'm proud of you. Let's discuss again when you are older.
= You make me proud.
= Let's talk about it again another time.
All right, mom.