
  • 5월 5주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 5. 29. 11:32


    See you in a bit. 곧 보자.(5분 후 도착)

    I'm picking up some coffee for us. 내가 커피 사갈게.

    Can I have iced Latte?

    Are you sure you want to eat iced?

    Just double checking.


    You came/arrived early (today/this morning).

    I left (home/for work) much earlier than usual.

    I got to work early.

    It's the best way to go.

    비빔국수 is the(=best) way to go.

    What's with you. 평소와 달리 어떤 모습을 보였을 때 사용한다.

    How was traffic?

    Traffic was (very/super) light.

    I guess he left before rush hour.

    From now on 앞으로는

    I think I should leave early from now on.

    I spend a lot of time on the road.

    I spend a lot of time cleaning my room.

    I spend a lot on Jack's gift.

    Here's your coffee.

    -> Here's coffee라고 표현해서는 안된다.

    I'm touched.

    You made my day.

    You are the best.


    How long have we talked so far? 

    half an hour 30분

    an hour and a half 1시간 30분

    two hours and a half or two and a half hours 2시간 30분 

    (Do you) need a bathroom break?

    Let's take a bathroom break. cf) take a rest 휴식을 취하다.(푹 쉬는 것)

    Let's take 5/10.

    Don't lose track of time 늦으면 안돼!

    I am sorry, I lost track of time 시간가는 줄 몰랐어.

    Don't worry, I'll back in 10 minutes/an hour/no time. no time은 금새올게(1~5 minute)

    Go ahead. 다녀와.

    Not 10, just 5. 더블체킹

    lukewarm water 미지근한 물

    Give me water bottle.

    I wash my hair with lukewarm water.

    I fill up your water bottle/gas tank for you.


    even in the summer? 여름에도?(더운데도 미지근한 물을 마셔?)

    even when it's cold weather?

    Cold water lowers body temperature.

    Cold water is bad for your throat and you can weak immune system.

    I don't think Cold water is good for our health.

    I think Cold water is not good for our health. 사용가능하지만 약간 어색하므로 위의 문장을 사용할 것.

    water at a room temperature. 실온

    Your body need to readjust. 어저스트라고 발음한다.

    I'll drink warm water when I'm thirsty from now on. 


    That hit the spot. 딱 좋았어

    Shall we get/go back to class/the meeting?

    How about we finish this meeting by 4.

    cf) talk about인 경우 until을 사용한다. 동사에 따라 사용을 달리한다. 

    It will be helpful to set a time limit.

    I am refreshed after the break.

    How much time did we spend on this topic?

    About an hour and a half.

    How much time has passed?

    We talk about this topic.

    How long did we discuss this topic?

    -> discuss는 타동사이기 때문에 with와 함께 쓰지 않는다.

    It's 3:20 already.

    2시 50분

    Ten to three or Ten minutes before 3 

    3시 20분
    20 passed/after 3


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