
  • 5월 4주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 5. 22. 09:44


    I'm the opposite. 

    What are you doing with that table/pen/water? 

    I'm going to make it a bookshelf.

    You are breaking it apart/interpieces? 분해하는거에요?

    You take something useless and make it useful. 


    Is it different from recycling?

    What's the difference between A and B?

    Recycling is just reusing all things.

    Upcycling is creating something completely new.

                    creating new things.

                    making something new.

    It sounds like upcycling is recycling at the next level.

    Upcycling is the next generation of recycling.


    Ta-da(h) 짜잔

    Look at this brand-new(아주 새로운 것) bookshelf.

    You made this from/out of an old table.

    Did you really make this from an old table?

    This came out of an old table.

    make something out of 재료가 눈에 보이면 ex) 나무로 만든 탁자, 철재로 만든, 찌개

    make something from 재료가 눈에 안보이면 ex) 포도로 만든 와인

    -> 일상생활에서는 변형해서 사용하기도 한다.

    What did you make this out of?

    You turned old table into this.

    I can't even tell. 알아차리지 못하겠어(tell은 notice 뜻이다.)

    It used to be a table/singer.

    I did a good job. 잘했다.

    That's a compliment? 그거 칭찬이지?

    What are you going to upcycle next?

    So, what's next?

    any ideas for your next project?


    What else can I use for upcycling?

    How about this dress? 이 원피스 어떠니?

    I can still wear it though.

    This all jeans will work/do. 이 청바지면 되겠다.(이거면 되겠다.)

                      are just right.

    What can you make with those?

    grocery bag 장가방


    She made two different things.

    You are helping cut down on waste.

    You are cutting down on waste.

    You are decreasing/eliminate waste.

    I need cut down on carbs. 

    Do you want me cut down on your homework?

    I will give you less homework.

    I was inspired by a TV show.

    About what?

    (It was) About our environment and how polluted it is.


    'EBS > Easy English' 카테고리의 다른 글

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