5월 2주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 5. 11. 13:24반응형
Is the price negotiable? 가격은 조정가능한가요?
That's our best offer.
I can double check with my boss though. 다시 한 번 확인해볼게요.
The deal is sealed. 거래가 성사되었다. cf) We closed/finalized the deal. We made the sale.
I was/got lucky. 운이 좋았어요.
You deserved it/the credit. 그럴만하다/공로를 받을만하다.
I got promoted. 승진했어
I promoted you.
You will get promoted. 승진될거야.
I feel like going to get promoted soon.
Seriously? 정말요?
We finally signed the contract.
make it happen 해내다/이루다.
Can we make it happen? 우리가 해낼 수 있을까?
You made it happen. 네가 그것을 해냈어.
You did a great job.
It's thanks to you/easy English. 당신/이지 잉글리시 덕분이에요.