4월 3주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 4. 17. 13:57반응형
I've been wanting to go Incheon.
-> 나는 항상 인천 가고 싶더라.
Where in Incheon?
Several scenes from TV drama were shot here.
This is the street famous for its secondhand/used bookstores.
Is this that street was secondhand/used bookstores?
Let's go in/inside.
-> 안으로 들어가자.
Do I look/sound like him?
-> 내가 그 사람 (외모/목소리) 같니?
This is where the main character read a book.
-> read는 과거형이다.
I am a huge fan of his/hers.
I am a huge 공유 fan.
I am your big fan.
Is this the secondhand/used bookstore in the show?
Are we in the secondhand/used bookstore in 도깨비?
Now, I remember.
-> 아~ 이제 기억난다.
Take it easy
-> 여유를 가지세요. 쉬엄쉬엄하세요. 수고하세요.
Lucky you
-> 운이 좋았다.
I really like this fresh air.
-> 공기가 참 신선하다.
It was so good to take it easy read books.
-> 여유있게 책을 읽으니 참 좋더라.
I got this (great) book at a good price.
I got this book (really) cheap.
What a bargain.
This book was a bargain.
-> 싸게 샀다.
I got it for 21,000 won, what a (big/great) deal.
I got an unbelievable deal on this great book.
Let's take a selfie with Seagull.
-> 갈매기와 셀카찍자!
Here, ready, one two cheese!
Let's have (some) 짜장면 in Chinatown.
How about (some) 짜장면 in Chinatown?
-> Some을 사용하면 좀 더 부드럽다.
It's a 30 minutes walk.
It's a short taxi/bus/train/subway/walk, ride.
It's less than 10 minutes by taxi/bus/train/subway or on foot.
It takes only 10 minutes by taxi/bus/train/subway or on foot.
Is it okay if we walk?
How about walking there?
Are you up to walk/for 짜장면?
-> 걸어가도 괜찮겠어? / 짜장면 괜찮겠어?
I don't see any taxis. I wanna catch a cab/taxi.
Let's grab a bite.
-> 간단히 먹자.
That was the best movie/짜장면 ever.
I really like that 짜장면.
That 짜장면 is out of this world.
Thank you for taking/calling/inviting/having me here.
I had a great time with you.
There's subway station. Where are you getting off?
I'm getting off here/at the next station/at Seoul Station 내려요~
You should transfer there, right?
-> 발령, 교통, 전과
cf) They transfer me from California to Seoul.