
  • 4월 2주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 4. 14. 11:02


    Let's/we get along (well). 

    -> 잘 지내보자

    How long will u work here?

    How long will u be working here? 

    How long do u expect to work here? 

    Until when will u be working here?

    Come with me

    Come this way

    Let's stick by each other. 

    I hope we have a good working realtionship. 

    I hope we maintain a close working relationship. 

    -> 서로 챙기자


    That's where I live.

    I used to drive. but I couldn't stand a traffic

    I used to drive. but I couldn't bear the traffic. 

    I used to drive. I hate the traffic. 

    Traffic was awful/terrible/horrible/overwhelming.

    There are a lot of traffic.

    Take the subway.

    How about we carpool (together)?


    Do you drive to work at the same time every day every morning?

    No, different time, every day.

    I don't have regular schedule.

    Yeah, depend on time of day. It's rush hour. 

    The traffic is (very) light (about this time). The traffic is bumper to bumper.

    I'm still on my way.

    I'm still on the way. 

    I'm still making my way there.(가는 길이 어려울 때)

    When/What time will you be/get here?

    When/What time do you think will u be/get here? 

    When/What time do you expect to make it/be here?

    Come down when I call/text u.

    Take your time. 

    -> (시간여유를 가지고) 천천히 오세요~

    Are you here?

    -> 도착했어?를 표현할 때 Did you arrive가 아닌 Are you here을 사용한다.


    How long have u been working here?

    Let's see/me think about it. 

    I started in 2013(January/ at 7:20), so it's been almost 4 years(3 months/10 minutes).

    or 4 years since 2013 

    or for (almost) 4 years. 

    or It's been 4 years. 

    or It will be 4 years in September.

    How do u like it/working/living here?

    I like it for the most part.

    We are working on increasing our market share. 

    -> work on : 애쓰다, market share : 시장점유율

    We had to work (a lot of) overtime recently though. because of a heavy workload.

    -> though는 but의 의미이다. 끝을 내려 발음한다.

    I hope things cool down soon 

    -> 상황이 진전되다.


    Do you have any plans (tonight or for tonight)?

    I have plans or No, Nothing special.

    -> 약속이 하나더라도 관습적으로 's를 붙여 'plans'라고 사용한다.

    -> appointment를 사용하는 것이 아니다.

    I'll treat u nice dinner.

    I wanna buy/get u dinner.

    Let me buy/get a dinner.

    I wanna treat u to a nice dinner (and the movie).

    I'd like to treat u to a nice dinner.

    -> delicious를 사용해도 되지만 nice란 표현이 더 낫다. 

    I am asking you out.

    I wanna take u out for dinner.

    -> 데이트신청하는 등 상황

    You take me to work every morning, so....

    You don't have to do that.

    이러지 않으셔도 되는데....

    I know just a place.

    -> just를 강조하여 발음한다.


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