4월 1주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 4. 14. 10:13반응형
I'm getting dressd.
It was very hectic mornig.
-> hectic : 정신없이 바쁜
He gets out at 3:00
He gets out of school
He gets out from school.
He finishes school at 3:00.
Do you leave/finish/get off work early (today)?
Let me take him home/to the airport.
Do you want me to get some take out (chicken)?
Would u do that?
I'd like to order some fried chicken to go/for here.
I'll have the garlic chicken (to go).
One fried chicken to go.
-> to go : 포장
I'll have number 3 plz.
-> 세트메뉴3을 주문할 경우
Do u need (any) extra (pickled) raddishes?
My mouth is watering.
-> 군침이 돈다.
How much is total?
I'm here to help u/pick u up.
I finished early (tdoay).
I got off work.
U got off work earlier usual.
How was your day?
Same is always.
we are having take out chicken for dinner.
Let me change my clothes.
Don't forget to wash your hands before eating.
I like sleeping in (about 8:00)
Do u sleep in on the weekend?
I can sleep in until about 8:00.
-> Sleep in : 작정하고 늦게 자다.