
  • Morning Special (2018. Jul. 13. Fri.)
    EBS/Morning Special 2018. 7. 13. 11:16

    Touch! Global Headlines


    President Moon Jae-in said that negotiations between North Korea and the U.S. are on the right track.



    N. Korea and the U.S. agreed to meet on Sunday over the return of U.S. troops' remains.

    over the return of U.S. troops' remains 미군 유해반환을 두고

      cf) an argument over money 돈에 관한 논쟁

          a disagreement over the best way to proceed 가장 나은 진행 방안에 대한 의견 차이


    The Securities and Futures Commission said that contract drug manufacturer Samsung BioLogics violated accounting rules, recommending the dismissal of executives and a referral to prosecutors.

    The Securities and Futures Commission 증권선물위원회

    dismissal 해고

    a referral to ~로 이첩


    U.S. President Donald Trump threatened NATO allies that if they don’t increase their spendings on defense, the U.S. will “go it alone.”

    - go it alone 혼자 힘으로 하다


    Germany's neo-Nazi NSU trial verdict sparks protests, calls for investigation

    neo-Nazi 신나치주의자

    - NSU(National Socialist Undergroud) 독일 나치당의 국가사회주의자

    - trail verdict 재판의견

    - spark a protest 저항을 초래하다

    - call for ~을 필요로 하다, 촉구하다


    Steamy conditions are expected to continue as most regions in the country are issued with heat wave alerts.

    Steamy 찌는듯한

    - heat wave 폭염

    News Focus 1

    According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, South Koreans are expected to live a little bit longer than the OECD average life expectancy as of 2016. The average South Korean born in 2016 is expected to live 82-point-four years. The OECD average for life expectancy is 80.8 years. Japan topped the list at 84-point-one years, followed by Switzerland at 83-point-seven and Spain at 83-point-four. The United States lagged behind at 78-point-six years. However, South Korea had the highest suicide rate in the OECD with 25-point-eight people out of 100-thousand killing themselves in 2015.

    - lag 뒤떨어지다


    News Focus 2

    For Koreans, the top summer travel destination is Jeju Island. For overseas travel, the most visited country during the summer months is Japan. Among overseas cities, Osaka was ranked as the most popular this summer. The findings come from lodging data from a popular online travel site. Korean travelers most often booked trips for Jeju Island followed by Seoul and Busan. In Europe, London, Paris and Rome were the top three most popular destinations. For North America, travelers had their eyes most on Las Vegas, New York and Los Angeles. The CEO of the travel site said, "This summer, vacationers are favoring colorful and vibrant city charms in their travel destination choices."

    - finding 조사결과

    - lodging 숙소

    - vacationer 피서객

    - vibrant 활기찬, 생기가 넘치는


    News Focus 3

    China has allowed the widow of Chinese Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo to be freed from house arrest and leave for Berlin for medical treatment. It ended 8 years of house arrest. Liu Xia, who was never charged with any crime, was freed just days before the one-year anniversary of Liu Xiaobo's death. Western governments had campaigned for years for her release. The former poet's 11-year prison sentence and his wife's subsequent detention in her home had become glaring symbols of the authoritarian government's determination to prevent the couple from becoming an inspiration to other Chinese.

    laureate 수상자

    subsequent 나중에, 차후의

    detention 구금, 구류

    - glaring 확연한, 두드러진 

    - authoritarian 권위주의적인, 독재적인

    - determination 결정



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