
  • Morning Special (2018. Jul. 18. Wed.)
    EBS/Morning Special 2018. 7. 18. 09:55

    Touch! Global Headlines


    A Marine Corps helicopter crashed at a military airport in Pohang resulting in 5 dead and one person injured.

    - Marine Corps 해병대

    - crash (항공기가)추락하다, (차량이나 운전자가)충돌하다


    Minbyun, or Lawyers for a Democratic Society, has requested an investigation over allegations regarding an orchestrated mass defection of North Koreans.

    - allegation 혐의, 주장

    orchestrate 조정하다
    - defection 변절, 이반, 탈당


    Asiana Airlines is once again struggling with major disruptions, this time, over plane defects.

    disruption 분열, 중단

    - plane defect 기체결함


    Japan has started implementing, three years earlier than originally planned, a measure that mandates all school textbooks to refer to Korea’s easternmost Dokdo Island as Japanese territory.

    - measure 정책

    - mandate 명령[지시]하다

    - refer to 나타내다


    Heavy rain for the third consecutive day in Beijing has caused the worst flooding in 20 years.

    consecutive 연이은


    Amid an ongoing heat wave across Korea, reports of damage are surging.

    - amid (특히 흥분, 공포심이 느껴지는) 가운데[중]에

    - ongoing 계속 진행되는

    - surge 밀려들다


    News Focus 1

    Korea's three mobile carriers have agreed to work together for the commercialization of high-end fifth-generation or 5G networks.

    The agreement was made during a meeting aimed at sharing government policy after the three mobile carriers pledged to pay a total of 3.6 trillion won (US$3.26 billion) for 5G network frequencies.

    The move is significant as it will eradicate the heated competition between the three companies to proclaim themselves as the world’s first 5G provider.

    5G network technology allows data transmission speeds 40-50 times faster than existing LTE networks.

    - pledge 약속, 맹세

    trillion 1조

    frequency 주파수

    - eradicate 근절하다, 뿌리뽑다

    proclaim 선언하다, 선포하다

    transmission 전파


    News Focus 2

    US President Donald Trump’s refusal to blame Russia for meddling in the 2016 US election has sparked a storm of criticism.

    The wave of condemnation included criticism from within his own Republican Party.

    Trump’s warm words for Russia were a marked contrast from the past week, when he repeatedly rebuked long-standing U.S. allies.

    In some of the strongest words yet reflecting the unease of Washington’s traditional allies, Germany’s foreign minister said that Europe could no longer rely on the United States.

    refusal 거절, 거부

    - meddling 간섭, 참견

    - condemnation 비난

    - republican 공화주의자

    contrast 차이, 대조

    rebuke 질책하다, 꾸짖다

    - unease 불안, 우려 


    News Focus 3

    Jeff Bezos is the richest person in modern history.

    The Amazon founder’s net worth recently cracked $150 billion USD. That’s about $55 billion more than Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, the world’s second-richest person.

    Bezos’s net worth has soared by $52 billion USD this year, an amount exceeding the entire fortune of Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma, Asia’s wealthiest person.

    Bill Gates’s donation of 700 million Microsoft shares and $2.9 billion USD of cash and other assets prevented him from taking this year’s top spot.

    Bezos’s personal fortune puts him within spitting distance of the $151.5 billion USD controlled by the Walton family, the world’s richest dynasty.

    - net worth 순자산

    - crack 갈라지다, 깨지다

    - soar 급증하다, 치솟다

    fortune 운, 재산, 부

    - top spot 최고위직

    - spitting distance 짧은 거리, 아주 가까운

    dynasty (동일 가문에 속하는/동일 가문이 다스리는) 역대 통치자/시대, 왕조



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