
  • Morning Special (2018. Jul. 20. Fri.)
    EBS/Morning Special 2018. 7. 20. 10:25

    Touch! Global Headlines


    President Moon Jae-in called for the elimination of red tape and a simplified process for government authorization for new medicine and medical equipment.

    - call for (공식적으로) 요구하다

    - elimination of red tape 불필요한 요식 제거


    The two Koreas have decided to conduct joint inspections of railroads that link the inter-Korean border.

    - joint 공동의


    The northern hemisphere is going through record breaking temperatures due to the weather phenomenon known as heat dome.

    - the northern hemisphere 북반구


    A Russian woman in her 20s with close NRA ties has been arrested in the U.S. on spy charges.



    French President Emmanuel Macron is facing calls to fire an aide after prosecutors launched an investigation over footage of him beating up a protester.



    Israel has passed a controversial law defining the country as the nation-state of the Jewish people.

    controversial 논란이 많은

    News Focus 1

    A Korean court ruled that the government and the operator of the Sewol ferry must compensate the victims’ families. The Seoul Central District Court ordered each family be provided 200 million won (US$177,000) per victim, and additional compensation of between 5 million won and 80 million won per family member. It was the first time the court acknowledged the state’s liability for the disaster. According to investigators, the ferry was structurally unsound, overloaded, and travelling too fast on a turn when it capsized.

    - liability 법적책임

    - unsound 부적절한

    - capsize 뒤짚히다, 뒤짚다


    News Focus 2

    Korea's tax revenue increased by almost 10 percent last year, led by a sharp rise in corporate income tax revenue. Revenue from the corporate income tax surged 13.5 percent on-year, with that from income tax increasing 9.6 percent. Value added tax collection rose 8.5 percent. The Korean government has been basking in brisk tax income for the past two years on increased corporate earnings and an economic recovery.

    - surge 밀려들다

    - bask 쪼이다

    - brisk 빠른, 바쁜, 사무적인


    News Focus 3

    Two small chunks of amber contain the first known fossil snakes ever found trapped in the glassy substance. Estimated to be almost 100 million years old, one of the honey-colored hunks contains the oldest known baby snake ever discovered. Workers unearthed the amber in Myanmar quarries located near the Chinese border. Researchers used microscopes, CT scans and even particle accelerator technology to create highly detailed images of the specimens. Taking a look inside the baby snake’s bones showed it wasn’t just a small adult.

    - chunk 덩어리

    - amber 호박

    - glassy 유리 같은

    -  hunk (음식을 더 큰 것에서 잘라낸) 덩이, 조각

    - unearth 파내다, 발굴하다

    - quarry 캐내다

    - specimen 견본, 샘플, 표본, 시료



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