
  • Morning Special (2018. Jul. 23. Mon.)
    EBS/Morning Special 2018. 7. 23. 14:06

    Touch! Global Headlines


    Most regions in the country, including Seoul, and Gangwon-do Province, were affected by record breaking temperatures over the weekend.



    A 7 meter fissure was formed along the Gyeongbu Expressway due to the heatwave.

     - fissure 길게 갈라진 틈


    At least 11 people died in Japan over the weekend due to the extreme weather, and China is facing mounting damage from 3 typhoons.



    Samsung Electronics consents to conclusive arbitration on leukemia victims' dispute.

    - consent 동의하다, 허락하다

    - conclusive arbitration 결정적인 중재

    leukemia 백혈병


    South Korea’s National Security Advisor Chung Eui-yong said that Seoul and Washington agreed to boost follow-up plans on the stalled denuclearization talks between North Korea and the United States.

    stalled 정지된, 오도 가도 못하는


    Amid growing trade and geopolitical tensions the United States and the EU locked horns at the G20 meeting of ministers and central bankers from the world’s largest economies.

    - amid ~가운데

    geopolitical tension 지정학적인 긴장 상태


    News Focus 1

    With the scorching summer weather causing casualties and power blackouts, the government will consider classifying high temperatures as natural disasters. The current Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety defines “natural disasters” as situations caused by weather conditions such as typhoons, floods, droughts, and earthquakes. The list, however, does not include intense heat. But according to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the ministry will support the National Assembly's review of revising the disaster law to include intensive heat as a disaster. Hundreds of heat-related illnesses were reported last week while thousands lost electricity due to power outages.

    - casualty 사상자

    - outage 정전, 단수


    News Focus 2

    In its 2018 list of the world's top 500 corporations, more than one hundred Chinese companies made the cut into the Fortune Global 500 List. China came in a close second to the U.S., which had 126 companies on the list. Fortune Magazine's Global 500 list is compiled according to the annual revenues of the world's top 500 companies. Walmart came in first place with 500 billion dollars in yearly revenue. Korea's Samsung Electronics ranked 12th with 212 billion dollars in revenue. Chinese energy companies ranked 2nd, 3rd and 4th. This is the first time that China achieved such astonishing growth since 1995. In terms of return on equity (ROE), China's Tencent ranked first.

    - made the cut (특정 목표를) 달성하다

    - ROE(return on equity) 자기 자본 이익률

    News Focus 3

    During this time of the year, campgrounds are a crowded place for those who want to enjoy the holidays. But recently, a large number of banners have gone up with phrases such as 'compliance with basic order' and 'crime prevention'. In particular, the signs asks campers not to be rowdy after drinking or litter the campgrounds with garbage. According to local police at one campground, they get called to the scene at least 2 to 3 times per day on weekends during the summer. In other cases, pet owners bring their animals to restricted campsites and are accused of soiling the grounds. Officials say they would like everyone to observe common etiquette and enjoy a peaceful vacation in nature.

    - banner 현수막

    - rowdy 소란스러운



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