
  • Morning Special (2018. Jul. 24. Tue.)
    EBS/Morning Special 2018. 7. 24. 14:56


    Korea’s military will launch a joint team with the prosecution to investigate misdeed allegations by a defense intelligence unit.

    misdeed 비행, 악행

    prosecution 기소, 고발

    allegation 혐의

    defense intelligence unit 국방정보부대


    President Moon Jae-in said he will create a new presidential secretary handling issues related to the self-employed.



    A special team of prosecutors led by Heo Ik-beom said that the probe into the “druking” scandal will continue despite the death of the Justice Party’s floor leader Roh Hoe-chan.

    floor leader 원내대표

    - probe 캐묻다, 조사하다


    A mass shooting took place in Toronto, Canada resulting in three people dead and a dozen more injured.

    mass shooting 총기난사


    North Korea reportedly wants the U.S. to make a 'bold move' towards peace before denuclearization.

    reportedly 전하는 바에 따르면, 소문에 따르면

    - bold move 과감한/대담한 조치


    Hot conditions are expected to continue in most parts of the country with readings forecast to hover again around 40 degrees Celsius.

    - hover 맴돌다


    News Focus 1

    Korea’s Ministry of Education has paved the way for changes to the latest versions of the country’s history textbooks. In reference to August 15, 1948, the phrase “the government of the republic Korea was established” will replace the phrase ”the Republic of Korea was established.“ Likewise, both terms “democracy" and "free democracy" will be permitted, and will be left to the druthers of the authors. The Ministry will finalize its new curricula and writing standards by the end of this month. The new textbooks will be used in middle and high schools from March 2020.

    - pave the way ~을 위해 길을 열다

    - druthers 기호, 좋아하는 것

    News Focus 2

    The number of fathers who took time off to care for their children jumped 65.9 percent in the first half of 2018. Fathers taking paternity leave reached nearly 8,500 in the January to June period, up from the 5,101 tallied over the same period last year. The rise is largely attributable to government policies aimed at encouraging fathers to participate in child-rearing. The government said that men accounted for nearly 17% of the 50,000 people who took family leave so far this year, which is up 11.4% from a year earlier.

    - time off 한가한 시간

    - paternity leave 남자의 출산휴가

    - be tallied 집계되다

    - attributable ~가 원인인, ~에 기인하는 

    - child-rearing 자녀 양육


    News Focus 3

    Record high temperatures around the world are wreaking havoc. In Sweden, a country more known for its snow and ice, a dozen forest fires raged within its tinderbox-like Article circle. The blazes have prompted large-scale evacuations and forced farmers to send their animals to slaughter due to hay shortages. Meanwhile, authorities in Greece closed an archaeological site at the Acropolis as temperatures climbed to 40 degrees Celsius. The decision left hundreds of tourists scrambling to reschedule their visit.

    - wreaking 원수갚다, 분노를 떠뜨리다, 위해를 가다하다

    - havoc 큰 혼란

    - tinderbox-like 불씨

    - blaze 불꽃, 화염

    slaughter 대량 학살

    - archaeological 고고학의



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