
  • Morning Special (2018. Jul. 17. Tue.)
    EBS/Morning Special 2018. 7. 17. 13:11

    Touch! Global Headlines


    Amid scorching weather conditions across the nation, Seoul’s issued its first heat wave warning of the year.

    - scorching 모든 걸 태워버릴 듯이 더운


    President Moon Jae-in apologized to the public for not being able to fulfill his campaign pledge of raising the minimum wage to 10,000 won by 2020 as such a task is now difficult to achieve. 

    pledge 약속


    The National Assembly elected the chairs of parliamentary standing committees during a plenary session on Monday.

    - The National Assembly 국회

    parliamentary 의회의

    plenary 총회의


    Authorities in the Philippines are investigating another shooting case targeting a Korean national.


    A man was shot dead by police in Chicago, triggering rallies and clashes between protestors and police forces.

    - rally 집회


    The Cambodian government launched an investigation regarding allegations of internet spying by Chinese hackers ahead of the country’s general election.

    - allegation 혐의

    뉴스포커스 1

    Gangnam accounts for 13 times more property tax than Gangbuk

    Collectively, Seoul’s Gangnam districts were found to pay the most property tax, while districts north of the river pay the least.

    - collectively 통틀어

    Property taxes levied in just three southern districts, Gangnam, Seocho, and Songpa, accounted for 37 percent of all of Seoul’s property tax income.

    - levy 부과하다, 징수하다

    Individually, Gangnam district itself had the highest amount of property tax at 262 billion won, while Gangbuk district had the least, at just 20.3 billion.

    This year’s gap between south and north was approximately 13 times, up from 12 last year.

    뉴스포커스 2

    Korea’s dog days of summer bring protests over dog meat consumption

    - dog day 한 여름, 삼복

    Hundreds of protesters recently rallied both for and against dog meat consumption in Korea ahead of chobok, the first of three days believed to be the hottest of the year.

    During the so-called “dog days of summer,” Koreans traditionally eat foods that are thought by some toreplenish lost stamina.

    While many of these dishes are innocuous, some cause controversy because of their use of dog meat.

    - innocuous 악의 없는, 무해한

    controversy 논란

    Several animal-rights groups called for the prohibition of dog and cat slaughter, saying the current animal protection law lacks teeth.  

    - slaughter 도살

    뉴스포커스 3 

    Prince Charles, Prince Williams refuse to meet Trump

    Prince Charles and Prince William reportedly left the Queen to meet Donald Trump on her own after they refused to take part in his tour of the UK.  

    - reportedly 전하는 바에 따르면, 소문에 의하면

    According to Britain’s largest-selling national newspaper, The Sunday Times, both Charles and his sonsnubbed the President because they were reluctant to meet him.  

    However, Buckingham Palace refutes such a claim saying that the trip was a “guest-of-government” visit and therefore did not require additional members of the royal family to be present.

    - refute 부인하다, 반박하다



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