[170927] Accidents on the Road 도로 사고EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 28. 15:33반응형
Talk about a car accident you had.
I had a car accident quite recently.
-> have a car accident 자동차 사고가 나다.
I was entering an intersection, but there was a driver that was running a red light from the other direction.
-> enter an intersection 교차로에 진입하다, run a red light 정지 신호를 무시하고 달리다.
She totally came out of nowhere.
-> come out of nowhere 난데없이 나타나다.
I don't think she had her eyes on the road.
-> have one's eyes on the road 도로를 예의 주시하다.
We ended up crashing into each other.
-> crash into each other 서로 충돌하다.
The front part of my car severely damaged.
We both called our insurance companies, and they sent people to the crash site.
-> insurance company 보험사
Some police officers came to the scene as well.
Both of our cars were towed away to the service center.
-> be towed away 견인되다.
I got whiplash from the impact, and had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days.
-> get whiplash (사고 충격으로) 목 부상을 입다.
The repair costs and medical fees were all covered by insurance.
-> be covered by insurance 보험 처리되다.
tow away 견인하다 vs tow truck 견인차
ex) They will tow away your car if you park without a permit.
ex) Several tow trucks rushed to the scene.
I had a fender-bender. 접촉 사고가 났어.
A : What happened to your bumper?
B : Oh, I had a fender-bender.
A : Where?
B : At the parking lot. It was mostly my fault.
1. 정지 신호를 무시하지 마세요.
Do not run a red light.
2. 우리는 서로 충돌하는 것을 피하려고 했다.
We tried to avoid crashing into each other.
3. 내 차가 견인이 된 것 같아요.
I think my car was towed away.
4. 벽에 충돌하면서 우리 모두 목을 다쳤다.
We all got whiplash when we crashed into the wall.
반응형'EBS > 입이 트이는 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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