
  • [170926] Being Overweight 과체중 문제
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 26. 15:30

    Talk about your experience with weight control.

    Many health problems occur because people are overweight.

    -> health problem 건강상의 문제, be overweight 과체중이다.

    Personally, I tend to gain weight quite easily.

    -> gain weight quite easily 아주 쉽게 살이 찌다.

    I tried to watch what I eat, but it's not easy.

    -> watch what I eat 먹는 것을 주의하다.

    I gained a lot of weight in the past.

    Once I gained more than 7 kilo in just three months.

    Whenever I put on some extra weight like that, I had to go on a diet.

    -> put on weight 살이 찌다, go on a diet 다이어트를 하다.

    I tried to take in less calories work out.

    -> take in less calories 열량 섭취를 줄이다.

    -> work out(이러한 구동사는 항상 뒤에 강세)

    Of course, I have succeeded in losing weight several times, but I easily gained that weight back.

    -> lose weight 살을 빼다, gain weight back 감량한 체중이 원상 복구되다.

    I'm currently heavier than I would like to be.

    -> heavier than I would like to be 원하는 것보다 체중이 많이 나가는

    It would be nice if I could lose some weight, but it's getting harder and harder to do that.

    -> get harder and harder 점점 어려워지다.

    I think weight control is something that I have to deal with all my life.

    -> weight control 체중 조절

    take in 섭취하다.(in에 강세) vs in-take 섭취량

    ex) I need to take in less calories.

    ex) You need to control your calorie in-take.

    You're so skinny. 너무 마르셨어요.

    A : I need to lose some weight.

    B : No, you don't! You're so skinny.

    A : That's not true.

    B : Seriously, you look fine right now!

    1. 요즘 과체중인 사람들이 너무 많다.

       So many people are overweight these days.

    2. 우리 모두 다이어트를 해야 해.

       We all need to go on a diet.

    3. 내 여동생을 살을 좀 빼야 돼.

        My sister needs to lose weight.

    4. 체중 조절은 쉬운 일이 아니다.

        Weight control is not an easy task.



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