
  • [170925] Health 건강
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 26. 15:29

    Talk about how people's perception of health is changing.

    In the past, being healthy was simply not being sick.

    People just did simple things for their health.

    They tried to eat properly, exercise, and get a good night's sleep.

    -> eat property 제대로 먹다, get a good night's sleep 잠을 잘 자다.

    But now, people have become a lot more health-conscious.

    -> health-conscious 건강을 의식하는

    First, there is tons of information out there on our health.

    -> tons of information 수많은 정보

    There are more options when it comes to working out.

    -> there are more options 선택의 폭이 더 넓다, work out 운동하다.

    A good example could be yoga, which has become quite popular these days.

    Plus, due to advancements in medical technology now, people can find out about their health much more easily.

    -> advancements in medical technology 의학 기술의 발달

    -> find out about one's health 건강에 대해 알아내다/깨닫다.

    They also get medical check-ups on a regular basis.

    -> get medical check-ups 건강 검진을 받다(합성어는 앞에 강세), on a regular basis 정기적으로

    Based on the results of these check-ups, people can take preventive measures for illnesses.

    -> take preventive measures 예방 조치를 취하다.

    find 찾다 vs find out 알아내다.

    find 물리적으로 무언가를 찾는 것 vs find out 머리 속으로 깨달은 것

    ex) Did you find your bag?

    ex) Did you find out where she is?

    You should take care of your health. 너 건강 좀 챙겨야 해.

    A : I'm not what I used to be.

    B : You should take care of your health.

    A : You're right. I get tired more easily these days.

    B : You should start working out.

    1. 나 요즘 제대로 먹으려고 노력 중이야.

        I'm trying to eat properly these days.

    2. 자동차로 말하자면 선택의 폭이 더 넓다.

        There are more options when it comes to cars.

    3. 매년 건강 검진 받는 것은 좋다.

        It is good to get medical check-ups on a yearly basis.

    4. 우리는 예방 조치를 취해야 한다.

        We should take preventive measures.



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