
  • [170921] Online Video Clips 인터넷 동영상
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 21. 14:59

    Talk about the video clips you watch online.

    -> video clips 동영상

    When it comes to video clips online, I just watch whatever catches my attention.

    -> Whatever catches my attention 관심을 끄는 것은 뭐든지

    I watch news clips, sports clips, or music clips most often.

    I enjoy clicking on movie trailers from time to time as well.

    -> movie trailer 영화 예고편

    Plus, I enjoy watching TV show clips online.

    TV programs have become much better in quality than in the past.

    -> have become much better in quality 질이 훨씬 좋아지다.

    They are very fun to watch. Watching clips online is one of the best ways to kill time.

    -> fun to watch 보면 재미있는, one of the best ways to kill time 시간을 때우기에 가장 좋은 방법 중 하나

    Next, I take online courses to learn things.

    -> take online courses 인터넷 강의를 듣다.

    Online courses are very helpful and informative.

    -> helpful 도움이 되는, informative 정보를 많이 얻을 수 있는, 유익한

    It takes much less effort and time to learn things.

    -> take much less efforts and time 시간과 노력이 훨씬 덜 들어가다.

    영화 예고편 : movie trailer, movie preview

    개봉 전 시사회 : movie premiere

    It got millions of hits. 그거 조회수가 수백만 건이야.

    A : This clip is hilarious.

    B : What is it about? Can you send me the link?

    A : Sure. It got millions of hits.

    B : I'll click on it right away.

    1. 나는 뭐든지 관심을 끌면 다운로드 한다.

        I just download whatever catches my attention.

    2. 그 사이트 영상들을 보면 재미있다.

        The clips on that site are fun to watch.

    3. 청소할 때 시간과 노력이 훨씬 덜 들어간다.

        It takes much less effort and time to clean the house.

    4. 만화책을 읽는 것은 시간을 때우기에 가장 좋은 방법 중 하나이다.

        Reading comic books is one of the best ways to kill time.



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