
  • 12.22
    공부/영어모임 2019. 12. 22. 18:32

    I need to check if ~한지 확인해봐야 해요.

    I'm free that day. 그 날 다른 일이 없는지

    he is feeling better. 그 사람 컨디션이 좀 좋아졌는지

    she has an extra ticket.


    A : I'm leaving on a month-long trip to Italy this weekend.

    B : That's really soon. Have you fininshed packing?

    A : I'm mostly done, but I need to check if I have packed everything I need.

    B : Italy sounds wonderful! I hope you have a great time.


    It's hard to beliveve (that) ~라니 믿기지 않아요.

    he's forty.

    people can be so cruel. 사람이 그토록 무자비할 수 있다는게

    she used to be a model. 그녀가 전에 모델이었다니


    A : Would you like some dessert? I baked cookies.

    B : Sure! They smell great.

    A : They are healthy for you, too. I didn't use any butter, eggs, or sugar.

    B : These are delicious! It's hard to believe you didn't use any sugar.


    There's a good chance~ ~할 가능성이 높아요.

    A : I talked to my parents on the phone today.

    B : What did they say?

    A : They said there's a good chance they'll be able to visit us next month.

    B : That's great news! You've missed them so much.


    A revolutionary new plastic could help to prevent bacteria and superbugs causing disease and illness.

    superbug 항생제로 쉽게 제거되지 않는 박테리아


    Scientists have developed a new kind of transparent, plastic wonder-wrap.


    They say it will drastically cut incidences of microbe transfer in hospitals, restaurants, kitchens, bathrooms and other places where bugs lie in wait.

    drastically 과감하게, 철저하게

    incidence (사건 등의) 발생 정도[영향 범위]

    microbe 미생물

    lie in wait 숨어서 기다리다, 잠복하다


    The plastic was created by researchers from McMaster University in Canada.

    They say their material can repel all forms of bacteria, including superbugs like MRSA.

    repel 격퇴하다


    The material is like a conventional transparent wrap used to cover food.


    It can be shrink-wrapped to protect places that attract bacteria, like worktops, door handles, taps, hospital equipment and food containers.


    The researchers said the inspiration for their new material came from the lotus plant.

    lotus plant 연꽃


    They attempted to replicate the method in which the leaves of this plant repelled water.


    Drops of water either sit on the surface of the leaves or bounce off.


    Researcher Leyla Soleymani wanted to apply that process to the new plastic.


    She said: "We're structurally tuning that plastic.


    This material gives us something that can be applied to all kinds of things."


    Another researcher, Tohid Didar, said:

    "We can see this technology being used in all kinds of institutional and domestic settings.

    As the world confronts the crisis of anti-microbial resistance, we hope it will become an important part of the anti-bacterial toolbox."


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