be ~ enough to....
..할 만큼 ~해요.1. 너도 철들 나이 정도는 됐잖아.
You are old enough to know better.
2. 난 저 차를 살 만큼 부자가 아니야.I'm not wealthy enough to afford that car.
3. 그 소리는 이웃집에서 들을 수 있을 만큼 컸어요.
The noise was loud enough to be heard next door.
A : This party is amazing!
B : Well, it's Jane's birthday bash after all.
She is nothing if not flashy and luxurious. 아주 화려하고 고급스럽지 아주~하다.
A : It must have cost her a fortune. 돈이 굉장히 많이 들었겠는데
B : You're probably right. But Jane is rich enough to afford it.Is ~ too much for you?
~이 너무 지나친가요? ~이 부담스럽나요?
1. 이 과제가 네게 너무 부담스럽니?
Is the task too much for you?
2. 이 드레스가 당신에게 너무 과한가요?
Is this dress too much for you?
3. 그 여선생님이 너무 엄격하게 가르쳐서 부담되니?
Is her strict teaching style too much for you?
A : Did you try reading the book I recommended?
B : Yes, I'm in the middle of reading it right now. but it's not an easy read.
A : Why not? Is the subject matter too much for you? 소재
B : To be honest, yes. It focuses too much on the harsh realities of wartime.It's too much like ~.
~과 너무 비슷해요.
1. 너무 물 같은데요.
It's too much like water.
2. 도박하는 것과 너무 비슷해.
It's too much like gambling.
3. 너무 코미디 같아.
It's too much like a comedy.
A : Is that your new smartphone? It's huge.
B : Yes. It has the biggest screen out of all the smartphones on the market.
A : It's too much like a tablet PC, isn't it?
B : I thought so too, at first. But it's actually much lighter and faster.The 2020s are here - Happy New Decade (2nd January, 2019)
As the clock struck twelve midnight to herald the arrival of the 2020s, people the world over were filled with a mixture of optimism and pessimism at what the new decade might have in store for us.
→ (앞으로 있을 일을) 예고하다, (좋은 일, 중요한 일을) 알리다, 전조
→ 준비하여
Many hope the New Year will see an upturn in their fortunes and those of planet Earth.
→ (어느 정도 기간에 걸친) 호전
The past decade could be described as having been somewhat tumultuous.
→ (기쁜 마음으로) 떠들썩한, 격동의
Global warming stoked fears of our very existence being in peril;
→ 연료를 더 넣다, (감정을) 부추기다.
→ 위험한
"The decade beginning in 2020 will take us even further toward a world where far-out ideas like hooking brains up to computers, and even immortality, become topics of serious conversation."
→ 틀에 박히지 않은
"Some technologies will take longer to reach the masses than others, but they will be at hand.
→ (시간·거리상으로) 가까이에 (있는)