
  • 1.12
    공부/영어모임 2020. 1. 12. 21:13

    take ~ too far 지나치게 ~해요

    1. 농담이 지나쳐

        You're taking the joke too far.

    2. 그녀는 물질주의가 도가 지나쳐

        She takes materialism too far.

    3. 어떤 사람들은 종교에 지나치게 심취하죠

        Some people take religion too far.


    A : I told Kate that my company is sending me to New York.

    B : And she believed you?

    A : Yes! In fact, she said she is planning a farewell party for me. Can you believe it?

    B : I think you're taking the prank too far. You should tell her the truth. (농담으로 하는) 장난


    Don't go too far with 너무 ~하지 마세요

    1. 선물을 너무 아낌없이 주지 마세요

        Don't go too far with your lavish gifts. 풍성한, 호화로운, 아주 후한, 아낌없는

    2. 짓궃은 장난은 지나치게 하지마

        Don't go too far with your practical jokes.

    3. 결혼식 준비에 비용을 너무 많이 들이지마

        Don't go too far with planning such an expensive wedding.


    A : You have been really secretive about plans for my birthday. 비밀스러운

    B : Be prepared to be blown away this year! ~를 뿅 가게 만들다

    A : Don't go too far with spending a lot of money.

    B : It's only once a year, so let's really enjoy ourselves!


    be available to ~ ~할 수 있습니다. ~에게 공개됩니다.

    1. 아이들 돌보는 건 그녀가 할 수 있어요.

       She's available to babysit the children.

    2. 이 기록들은 보고 싶은 사람은 누구나 열람이 가능합니다.

       These records are available to anyone who wishes to see them.

    3. 그 화가의 컬렌션이 최근 대중에게 공개됐습니다.

       The aritist's collection has recently become available to the public.


    A : What are your plans for the weekend?

    B :  I'm planning to go to the National Museum to see an exhibition on a German artist.

    A : You must be excited.

    B : I am. A lot of his previously unknown works will be available to the public.


    Iranian Revenge

    In a strongly-worded statement, President Rouhani said:

    "The Americans do not realise what grave error they have committed. 심각한 실수


    Revenge for his blood will be secured, and the filthy hands of America will be cut off forever from this region."

    확실한, 아주 더러운


    Iran's religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei offered similarly vengeful comments.

    복수심에 불타는


    He said: "Severe retaliation awaits murderers who have the blood of Mr Soleimani

    and that of other martyrs on their wicked hands." 

    가혹한 복수 순교자 사악한


    He said Soleimani's death would intensify Iran's hostility towards the United States and Israel.

    적대감, 전투, 교전


    He was Iran's pre-eminent military leader.

    출중한, 걸출한


    Such was his popularity with many Iranians, he was dubbed the "rock star general".

    별명을 붙이다


    The world is now on tenterhooks to see how Iran retaliates.

    초조해하다, 마음에 걸려, 불안하여(=in suspense)


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