
  • 12.8
    공부/영어모임 2019. 12. 8. 19:21

    Researchers believe they have debunked a myth about the perceived importance of stretching before jogging.

    debunk (생각·믿음 등이) 틀렸음을 드러내다

    perceive ~로 여기다


    It is a daily ritual that can be seen in parks and streets everywhere.

    ritual (종교상의) 의식 절차/의례, (항상 규칙적으로 행하는) 의식과 같은 일


    They say that while there is evidence that stretching can help keep ankle, knee and hip joints flexible, it won't aid performance or keep injuries at bay.

    keep flexible 유연성을 키우다

    at bay (사냥감이) 궁지에 몰린


    Mr Alexander is an avid jogger and often wondered what the benefits of stretching were.

    avid 열렬한


    I'm (not) sure~ 이 분명해요.

    I'm sure she will agree.

    I'm not sure if I did the right thing.

    I'm not sure about my vacation plans yet.


    A : I want to ask my boss for a pay raise. 임금 인상

    B : Why not? I think you should give it a shot. 시도하다

    A : I don't want to come across as rude and ungrateful. 인상을 주다, 배은망덕한/뻔뻔한/감사할 줄 모르는

    B : If you are polite and reasonable about it, I'm sure he won't feel that way.


    I have doubts about ~ ~을 잘 모르겠어요, ~에 대한 확신이 없어요.

    I have doubts about her ability.

    I have doubts about buying insurance. 보험가입

    I have doubts about Ted and whether he can handle the job.


    A : I heard you are planning on buying a used car.

    B : I'm still mulling it over. ~에 대해 숙고하다.

    A : Why? Is there something wrong?

    B : I have doubts about buying a used car. I should get a new one instead.


    I'm supicious about/of ~ ~이 의심스러워요.

    I'm supicious about his background.

    I'm supicious about her version of the story. 설명이 의심스러워

    I'm supicious of people who make promises too easily. 약속을 너무 쉽게 하는 사람은 수상쩍어요.


    A : Did you know that a new neighbor moved in next door?

    B : I had no idea. I wonder why I didn't know about this.

    A : It's because she mostly keeps to herself. I'm supicious about her behavior. 남과 어울리지 않다.

    B : You are letting your imagination run away with you. (감정이) 주체할 수 없게 되다.


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