
  • 8월 4주차
    EBS/Easy English 2017. 8. 21. 10:50


    안녕, 헨리. 점심 먹었어?

    Hi, Henry! Did you have lunch?

    응, 불고기버거 세트를 먹었지.

    Yeah, I ate a bulgogi burger combo.



    그럼, 나는 혼자 일하기 때문에 혼자 자주 먹어. 

    Yep, I eat alone often because I work on my own.

    -> alone = by myself = on my own

    = I work by myself, so I often eat alone.

    그리고 나 혼자 사는거 알잖아. 혼자 사는데 익숙해.

    And you know what live by myself too. I'm used to eating alone.

    = I don't live anyone. = I live on my own. = I live all alone.(아주 외롭다는 표현으로 약간 불쌍한 느낌)

    너도 혼밥족이구나.

    You are one of 혼밥 people.


    혼밥족? 그게 무슨 말이야?

    What do you mean by that?

    혼은 혼자라는 뜻이고 밥은 식사를 뜻하는 말이야. 그러니까 혼밥은 혼자 식사한다. 

    혼 means alone and 밥 means meal.

    밥을 혼자 먹는다는 뜻이지.

    So 혼밥 means dinning solo or eating alone.

    혼자 밥을 먹는게 추세이고 유행이기도 해.

    Solo dinning has become trendy and even fashionable.

    = Eating alone is trendy now.

    = Eating alone is in style.

    = Solo dinning is the new thing.

    그렇구나. 전에는 혼자 밥을 먹는게 흔하지 않았어?

    I see. Wasn't it always come in to eat alone?

    = We felt uncomfortable eating out alone.

    별로? 식당에서 혼자 밥을 먹는 걸 불편하게 생각했지.

    Not really? We didn't feel comfortable eating alone at a restaurant.

    trendsetter 유행의 선도자


    요즘은 많은 사람들이 혼자 밥 먹는 것도 괜찮다고 생각해.

    Nowadays, many people think it's okay to eat alone.

    = It's okay to eat alone nowadays.

    = Nobody thinks dinning alone is weird nowadays.

    그런데 문제는 혼자 먹을 때 패스트푸드를 먹게 된다는 거야.

    But the thing is when you eat alone, you tend to eat junk food.

    아하, 제대로 된 식사가 아니라. 

    Oh, rather than real meal.

    cf) sit down restaurant

    맞아, 몸에 안 좋은 거지.

    Right, that's not good for you.

    그렇네, 혼자 먹을 때도 몸에 좋은 식사를 할 수 있는대.

    I know, wow. we can still eat a good meal by ourselves.

    -> eat a good meal = eat healthy

    무슨 일이 있어도 몸에 좋은 걸 먹어야 해.

    You are right. We should eat healthy no matter what.


    식사를 혼자 할 수 식당들이 많이 있나?

    Are there many restaurants where we can eat alone?

    응, 혼자 식사를 하는 사람들을 위한 식당의 숫자가 늘어나고 있지

    Yes, The number of restaurants for solo diners has been increasing.

    = Restaurants for solo diners are growing in number.

    = More and more restaurants are being designed specifically for solo diners.

    그런 사람들을 위해서 새롭게 자리를 배치하고 메뉴도 개발하고 있어.

    They are trying new sitting arrangement and menu offerings for them.

    -> We have a new sitting arrangement from tomorrow. = we are gonna change seat tomorrow.

    우리한테 좋은 소식이네.

    That's good news for us.

    그러게 말이야. 혼자 삼겹살을 먹을 수 있는 괜찮은 식당도 발견했어.

    Exactly. I found a good place to eat pork belly on my own.

    그래? 어딘지 알려주라.

    Did you? Tell me where it is.

    = Let me know where it is.

    = Tell me the location.

    지도를 문자로 보내줄게.

    I will text you the map.


    고마워, 이지야. 문자 받았어. 빨리 이 식당에 가보고 싶다.

    Thank you, Easy. I got your text. I'd love to try this restaurant (really/very) soon.

    cf) I'd like to vs I'd love to 후자가 더 간절하다. 정말 가고 싶다는 의미이다.

    그래 가봐. 거기는 무료 와이파이도 있어. 전자기기를 충전할 수 있게 탁자마다 콘센트도 있고.

    Go for it. They have free WiFi and they also have outlets at every table to charge your electronic devices.

    정말 편리하다.

    How handy.

    = How convenient.

    = What a handy idea.

    cf) Handy man 집안에서 무언가 잘 고치는 사람 ex) Are you handy (man)?

    더 있어. 이런 식당들 중 어떤 곳에는 탁자에 태블릿 PC도 있다니까.

    there's more. At Some of these restaurants, they have tablets on the tables.

    혼자 밥 먹는 사람들이 온라인에서 소통할 수 있게?

    so that solo diners can socialize online?

    = People eating alone can chat/communicate online?

    = solo diners connect with each other.


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