
  • [170915] Online Security 인터넷 보안
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 16. 15:19

    Talk about online security.

    Online security has become a major issue these days.

    -> become a major issue 중대 사안이 되다.

    Hacking programs have become much more sophisticated.

    -> sophisticated 첨단화된, 세련된

    Also, hackers have become much better at hacking.

    -> become much better at ~을 훨씬 잘하게 되다.

    Their hacking techniques have also evolved over the years.

    -> hacking technique 해킹 수법, evolve 진화하다.

    Plus, many types of viruses and malware are inflicting damage on people's computers.

    -> malware 악성코드, inflict damage on ~에 피해를 입히다.

    As a result, personal information has been leaked quite often.

    -> be leaked 유출되다.

    In some cases, massive amounts of customer data were hacked by hackers.

    Such information is often sold off and is used for identity theft crimes.

    -> identity theft crime 신원 도용 범죄

    More measures have to be taken to prevent the leakage of personal information.

    -> measures have to be taken 조치가 취해져야 한다, the leakage of personal information 개인 정보 유출

    On the larger scale, we have to make more effort to enhance online security.

    -> make more efforts 노력을 더 많이 하다, enhance online security 인터넷 보안을 강화하다.

    sophisticated 첨단화된, 세련된

    ex) I think she is very sophisticated.

    ex) Video technology has become much more sophisticated.

    I think my account was hacked. 내 계정을 해킹당한 것 같아.

    A : I don't understand how this happened.

    B : Did you share your password with anyone?

    A : No, of course not! I think my account was hacked.

    B : Maybe!

    1. 이것이 중대 사안이 될 것 같다고 보시나요?

        Do you think this will become a major issue?

    2. 태풍이 그 도시에 큰 피해를 입혔다.

        The typhoon inflicted massive damage on the city.

    3. 개인 정보 유출은 매우 심각한 문제이다.

        The leakage of personal information is a very serious problem.

    4. 우리는 인터넷 보안을 강화하기 위해서 모든 것을 해야 한다.

        We have to do everything to enhance online security.



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