
  • [170913] Dokdo 독도
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 16. 15:01

    Talk about the dispute over Dokdo.

    Japan is one of Korea's closest neighboring countries.

    -> closest neighboring country 최인접국

    The relationship between Korea and Japan has gone through many ups and downs.

    -> go through many ups and downs 여러 우여곡절을 겪다.

    There are tons of issues between the two countries.

    -> tons of issues 수많은 쟁점

    Among them, there is an ongoing territorial dispute.

    -> ongoing territorial dispute 지속되는 영토 분쟁

    There is a small island between the two countries called Dokdo.

    Japan argues that the island is its territory, but it's not. The island belongs to Korea.

    There are many historical documents that indicate that the Korea owns the island.

    -> historical document 역사적인 문헌, indicate 나타내다, 암시하다.

    Nonetheless, Japan keeps on arguing that the island belongs to them.

    -> Nonetheless 그럼에도 불구하고, keep on arguing 지속적으로 주장하다.

    This is a major issue between the two countries.

    -> major issue 중대 사안

    It has had a negative impact on the bilateral relationship.

    -> have a negative impact on ~에 부정적인 영향을 미치다, bilateral relationship 양자 관계

    It gave me more insight on the issue. 그것이 그 문제에 대한 시야를 넓혀 주었어.

    A : I read an article on Dokdo.

    B : Oh, did you?

    A : Yeah, it gave me more insight on the issue. 

    B : What was the article about?

    1. 그 기업은 여러 우여곡절을 겪어 왔다.

       The company has gone through many ups and downs.

    2. 그 책은 제 것입니다.

        The book belongs to me.

    3. 그들은 지속적으로 본인들이 옳다고 주장했다.

        They kept on arguing that they were right.

    4. 이 정책은 주택 시장에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤다.

        This policy had a negative impact on the housing market.



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