
  • [170914] The Korean War 6.25 전쟁
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 16. 15:10

    Talk about how Korea got divided into the North and South.

    A major turning point in Korean history was the Korean war.

    -> major turning point 중대한 전환점

    Back in 1950, a war broke out between the North and the South.

    -> break out (전쟁이) 발발하다.

    The North was backed by the Soviet Union and China.

    -> be backed by ~의 지원을 받다.

    The South was backed by the US and the Allied Forces.

    The war lasted for 3 years.

    -> last for ~동안 지속되다.

    Millions of people lost their lives in the war.

    -> lost one's life 목숨을 잃다.

    The two sides signed a ceasefire treaty in 1953.

    -> sign a ceasefire treaty 휴전 협정을 체결하다.

    There is still no permanent peace treaty between the North and the South.

    -> permanent peace treaty 항구적인 평화 협정

    The two sides are still technically at war.

    -> still technically at war 엄밀히 말하면 아직 전쟁 중인

    Korea is still divided into two sides, North and South Korea.

    -> be divided into two sides 양진영으로 분단되어 있다.

    More recently, North Korea has been developing nuclear weapons.

    -> develop nuclear weapons 핵무기를 개발하다.

    This has heightened tension on the Korean peninsula.

    -> heighten tension 긴장을 고조시키다.

    The UN has imposed sanctions on North Korea.

    A : North Korea conducted another nuclear test.

    B : Yeah, I heard that on the news.

    A : The UN has imposed sanction on North Korea.

    B : I think that's the right course of action.

    1. 그것은 우리 회사에 중대한 전환점이었다.

        It was a major turning point for our company.

    2. 나는 또 다른 전쟁이 발발하지 않기를 희망한다.

        I hope that Another war doesn't break out.

    3. 그 정당은 두 진영으로 나뉘었다.

        The party was divided into two sides.

    4. 동남아 지역에 긴장이 고조되었다.

        There is heightened tension in Southeast Asia.



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