[170918] Losing One's Umbrella 우산을 분실한 경험EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 9. 18. 16:34반응형
Talk about when you lost your umbrella.
I remember when I left my umbrella behind on the subway.
-> leave something behind ~을 두고 오다.
I completely forgot to pack it when I got off the subway.
-> forgot to pack something ~을 챙기는 것을 깜빡하다.
I was walking out of the subway station, and it was pouring outside.
-> pour 비가 쏟아지다.
I ran to the nearest convenience store as fast as I could.
However, I was already soaking wet.
-> be soaking wet 흠뻑 젖다.
There was no meaning in buying a new umbrella.
-> There was no meaning in ~하는 것의 의미가 없었다.
I just walked back home.
The next day, I came down with a cold because I got caught in the rain.
-> came down with a cold 감기에 걸리다, get caught in the rain 비를 맞다.
I had a sore throat and I had a runny noses.
-> have a sore throat 목이 아프다, have a runny nose 콧물이 나오다.
Since then, I tried not to leave umbrella behind.
come down with a cold 감기에 걸리다, 몸이 아플 것 같다.
= get a cold = catch a cold
ex) I came down with a cold because I slept with the AC on.
ex) I think I'm coming down with something. 왠지 컨디션이 안 좋은 게 아플 것 같아.
You should be careful not to leave things behind. 물건 어디에 두고 오지 않도록 조심해.
A : I think I lost my wallet.
B : Are you sure? Did you look for it?
A : Yeah, I think I left it somewhere.
B : You should be careful not to leave things behind.
1. 나는 지갑을 어딘가에 두고 왔다.
I left my wallet behind somewhere.
2. 따뜻한 재킷 챙기는 것 잊지 마.
Don't forget to pack your warm jacket.
3. 거기에 일찍 가는 것은 의미가 없었다.
There was no meaning in going there early.
4. 비를 맞고 싶지 않아.
I don't want to get caught in the rain.
반응형'EBS > 입이 트이는 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글
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