[170725] Mosquitos 모기EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 25. 13:35
Talk about mosquito bites in the summer. Mosquitos are unwelcome guests in the summer. They are incredibly annoying. During outdoor activities after dark, sometimes people get countless mosquito bites.-> get countless mosquito bites 모기에 수없이 물리다. Spraying or applying mosquito repellent helps to reduce the number of mosquito bites.-> mosquito repellent 모기 퇴치제 Also, it's common to get bitten by mos..
[170724] Online Commercials 인터넷 영상 광고EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 24. 14:52
Talk about online commercials. With Internet videos becoming widespread, the market for commercials ahead of videos is growing rapidly.-> become widespread 보편화되다, grow rapidly 급성장하다. In exchange for the videos being provided for free, viewers are forced to watch the advertisement first.-> in exchange for ~을 대가로, be provided for free 무료로 제공되다, be forced to 의무적으로 ~하다. Advertisers pay the advertisi..
7월 4주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 7. 24. 14:44
7.24I'm guilty. 찔려요smartphone addicts 스마트폰 중독자 저 남자 좀 봐.Look at that guy. 자기 전화기에서 눈을 못 떼고 있어.He doesn't take his eyes off his phone.= He doesn't stop looking at his phone.= He is staring at his phone.= He keeps looking at his phone.= His eyes are glued to his phone. 눈이 폰에 붙었네.-> Hey, pay attention! 맞아. 저거 위험한대.Right, That's dangerous. 저 사람한테 경적을 울려야 하나.Should I honk (at him)? 응, 이어폰도 꽂고 있어Yeah,..
[170721] DIY Furniture 가구 조립EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 21. 09:32
Talk about DIY furniture.-> DIY furniture 조립 가구 DIY furniture is all the rage these days.-> be all the rage 한창 유행이다. A lot of high-quality DIY furniture is being released in the low price range.-> in the low price range 낮은 가격대로 The furniture is purchased online and delivered to the customer's homes. The customers build the furniture on their own, following the instruction manuals.-> build furnit..
[170720] Online Grocery Shopping 온라인 장보기EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 20. 09:48
Talk about ordering groceries online. In Korea, shopping online became a widespread practice a long time ago.-> become a widespread practice 흔한 일이 되다. More and more, it's becoming commonplace to order groceries online as well.-> become commonplace 흔해지다. Retailers are competing to offer delivery services so that customers can purchase groceries without visiting the store in person. The users can ..
[170719] Duty Free Shops 면세점EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 19. 11:14
Talk about duty free shops. The number of overseas travelers is increasing exponentially.-> increase exponentially 기하급수적으로 증가하다. The number of foreigners visiting Korea is also breaking records every year.-> break a record 기록을 깨다. As a result, the duty free shop industry is growing by the day. This is why major corporations in Korea are fighting tooth and nail to win business rights for duty fre..
[170718] Personal Information 개인 정보EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 18. 10:54
Talk about issues related to the protection of personal information. Everything in the world has gone digital these days, so it's important to protect personal information.-> go digital 디지털화되다. There are many cases in which large-scale databases of customers' personal information are hacked causing serious damage. Hacked personal information is used for marketing, or used in identity theft crime..
[170717] Food Safety 식품 안전EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 17. 10:27
Talk about food safety issues in the summer. Food safety is one of the issues that require close attention in the summertime.-> require close attention 세심한 주의를 필요로 하다. The summer weather in Korea is hot and humid, so there is high likelihood of food or ingredients going bad.-> there is a high likelihood ~할 가능성이 높다, go bad 상하다. When extreme heat goes on for days, even greater care is needed.-> ex..