[170724] Online Commercials 인터넷 영상 광고EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 24. 14:52반응형
Talk about online commercials.
With Internet videos becoming widespread,
the market for commercials ahead of videos is growing rapidly.
-> become widespread 보편화되다, grow rapidly 급성장하다.
In exchange for the videos being provided for free, viewers are forced to watch the advertisement first.
-> in exchange for ~을 대가로, be provided for free 무료로 제공되다, be forced to 의무적으로 ~하다.
Advertisers pay the advertising fee.
Videos that get lots of views like TV show clips often are accompanied by these ads.
-> get lots pf views 조회수가 높다, be accompanied by ~이 동반되다.
However, these days, individuals can also distribute self-produced contents through online channels.
-> distribute 유통시키다, self-produced contents 자체 제작 콘텐츠
In particular, the rise of single-person media stars has generated many fans and online subscribers.
The number of hits they rack up often go up to hundreds of thousands.
-> the number of hits 조회수, rack up 획득하다.
Producing such content and earning ad revenue is becoming a profitable business.
It appears that the online video commercial market will continue to grow steadily.
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