[170718] Personal Information 개인 정보EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 7. 18. 10:54반응형
Talk about issues related to the protection of personal information.
Everything in the world has gone digital these days, so it's important to protect personal information.
-> go digital 디지털화되다.
There are many cases in which large-scale databases of customers' personal information are hacked causing serious damage.
Hacked personal information is used for marketing, or used in identity theft crimes.
-> identity theft crime 신용 도용 범죄
Individuals can be hit without even knowing that their personal information is being used.
-> be hit 타격을 받다.
On the government level, personal information protection laws have been beefed up continuously.
-> on the government level 정부 차원에서, be beefed up 강화되다.
Measures to ban the collection of resident registration numbers are part of these efforts.
-> measures to ~하려는 대책
The government has also made it mandatory to seek consent when requiring personal information.
-> seek consent 동의를 구하다.
However, a lot of personal information is still vulnerable.
-> vulnerable 취약한
Individuals and the authorities must all make further efforts to protect personal information.
-> the authorities 관계 당국, make further efforts 추가적인 노력을 하다.
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