1.12공부/영어모임 2020. 1. 12. 21:13
take ~ too far 지나치게 ~해요 1. 농담이 지나쳐 You're taking the joke too far. 2. 그녀는 물질주의가 도가 지나쳐 She takes materialism too far. 3. 어떤 사람들은 종교에 지나치게 심취하죠 Some people take religion too far. A : I told Kate that my company is sending me to New York. B : And she believed you? A : Yes! In fact, she said she is planning a farewell party for me. Can you believe it? B : I think you're taking the prank too far. Yo..
1.5공부/영어모임 2020. 1. 6. 19:00
be ~ enough to.... ..할 만큼 ~해요. 1. 너도 철들 나이 정도는 됐잖아. You are old enough to know better. 2. 난 저 차를 살 만큼 부자가 아니야. I'm not wealthy enough to afford that car. 3. 그 소리는 이웃집에서 들을 수 있을 만큼 컸어요. The noise was loud enough to be heard next door. A : This party is amazing! B : Well, it's Jane's birthday bash after all. She is nothing if not flashy and luxurious. 아주 화려하고 고급스럽지 아주~하다. A : It must have cost her..
12.22공부/영어모임 2019. 12. 22. 18:32
I need to check if ~한지 확인해봐야 해요. I'm free that day. 그 날 다른 일이 없는지 he is feeling better. 그 사람 컨디션이 좀 좋아졌는지 she has an extra ticket. A : I'm leaving on a month-long trip to Italy this weekend. B : That's really soon. Have you fininshed packing? A : I'm mostly done, but I need to check if I have packed everything I need. B : Italy sounds wonderful! I hope you have a great time. It's hard to belivev..
12.8공부/영어모임 2019. 12. 8. 19:21
Researchers believe they have debunked a myth about the perceived importance of stretching before jogging. debunk (생각·믿음 등이) 틀렸음을 드러내다 perceive ~로 여기다 It is a daily ritual that can be seen in parks and streets everywhere. ritual (종교상의) 의식 절차/의례, (항상 규칙적으로 행하는) 의식과 같은 일 They say that while there is evidence that stretching can help keep ankle, knee and hip joints flexible, it won't aid performanc..
11.10/17/24, 12.1공부/영어모임 2019. 12. 2. 12:45
연차 annual leave/holiday 송년회 year-end bash[party] 주 4일제 a four-day working week Employees were given every Friday off as paid leave in August. I'm embarrassed ~이 창피해요, 민망해요. by my child's tantrums. 아이가 성질을 부리면 정말 민망해 about the hole in my sock. to sing in public. 사람들 앞에서 노래부르는게 부끄러워 about speaking in front of large crowds. when my mother shows people my baby pictures. of my filthy house. 우리 집이 너무 ..
7월 12일공부/영어모임 2017. 7. 13. 08:28
1. 영어학습J : Where did you learn your English?M : I learned English in school. It was mandatory subject.J : Oh, really?M : Yes, children start to learn English from third grade. Students study English all the way up to high school.J : I see. No wonder your English is good.M : No, it isn't. I'm always trying to get better. Koreans take a lot of English tests even after graduating.J : What for?M : S..
6월 28일공부/영어모임 2017. 6. 29. 10:05
[ 요리하기 ]Are you a good cook?I'm far from being a good cook. I mostly eat out. I cook simple stuff like instant noodles off and on.-> off and on 간헐적으로 Do you cook often?Yes, I cook for myself quite often. You must be a good cook then.I'm not that good, but I took cooking classes a long time ago. I also watch cooking channel a lot. I try out new recipes.-> try somebody/something out ~을/~에게 시험해보다. ..