
  • 4월 3주차
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 4. 20. 13:49


    녹음누락..... 뭐지.....


    I had a mountain of work to do before I had my baby.

    -> mountain of work 산더미같이 많은 일거리

    I wrote out a checklist of things to buy.

    -> write out a checklist 확인 목록을 작성하다.

    -> I always write out a checklist before I go to the supermarket.

    diaper 기저귀

    crib 아기 침대

    breast-feed 모유 수유를 하다.

    baby formula 분유

    as a backup 대비책으로

    caesarian section 제왕 절개

    natural birth 자연분만

    Coming up with a name for the baby was a priority, too.

    -> come up with 생각해 내다, 고안해 내다, come down with 특정 질병에 걸린다.

    ex) We need to come up with a solution. 우리는 해결책을 고안해 내야 돼.

    cf) I came down with a pretty bad cold. 나는 꽤 심한 감기에 걸렸다.

    The baby arrived on the due date.

    -> due date 예정일

    cf) There are only two weeks left until the due date.

    cf) The baby was born a long time after the due date.

    At that time, I could hardly bear the pain.


    population density 인구 밀도

    fender-bender 접촉 사고

    Parking in Korea can be a nightmare.

    cf) The test/Parking/Traffic was a nightmare.

    In supermarket parking lot, people usually back into to a parking space.

    -> back into to a parking space 후면 주차를 하다.

    Most people only resort to double parking as a last resort.

    -> resort to something ~에 의지하다, as a last resort 최후의 수단으로

    Sometimes arguments break out because of parking. 

    -> arguments break out 말다툼이 발생하다.

    It is common source of stress. 

    -> source of stress 스트레스를 유발하는 원인

    People leave their contact info in their cars.

    -> 사람들은 차량 안에 연락처를 남겨 둔다.

    I found a parking spot not far from here.


    I like to exercise. we never I get the chance.

    Everybody's body is different. Each person should follow on exercise routine that is tailor to them.

    GYM trainers can offer pointers people who don't know were the began. I like to do a lot of cardio.

    This improves my entrance and increases my runkle pancity.

    I also lived waves build up my muscles.

    Having less body fat and more muscle mass improves body's tablism. 

    This means you can eat more 퍼타운 gaining way.

    Exercise is also good mental help.

    It's a good way to blow up skin and keep stress level in check.

    This is why I always try to make time for exercise.


    There are many nails launching in KOREA.

    A those possible to apply mail follow shop home.

    Many women like get the nails done from basic nail care to pedcures(?).

    There are many options. Some people just tream the qudicles and get a color code.

    jell policy is course more.

    That they last longer. There many different colors in styles.

    Top nail artist can create art poping designs. 

    For women nails are fashions statement.

    A menicure is also good way to refresh oneself.

    These days, many man also receive nails care because females have a good first impression.


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