
  • [170628] 대여 제품
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 28. 11:12

    Talk about rental products.

    The sharing economy is a hot trend in Korea these days.

    It's no exaggeration to say that Korea is a paradise for rentals.

    -> It's no exaggeration to say ~이라고 해도 과언이 아니다.

    Instead of paying through the nose for expensive items, people rent them at reasonable prices.

    -> pay through the nose 터무니없이 많은 돈을 내다.

    Many people choose long-term rentals or leases for cars, instead of buying them.

    A lot of people also rent home appliances. 

    Water pure fires at the days can all be rented monthly fees.

    -> Water purifiers and bidets can all be rented for monthly fees. 

    Items that are used short-term are rented often as well.

    For example, children soon loose interest in toys.

    -> lose interest in ~에 흥미를 잃다.

    By renting toys, they can always play with something new.

    Overall, renting items is a good way to use big-ticket item without breaking the bank.

    -> big-ticket item 비싼 물건, break the bank 금전적인 타격을 입히다.


    'EBS > 입이 트이는 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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