
  • [170627] 리모델링
    EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 27. 09:53

    Talk about when you renovated your house.

    My family and I have lived in same house for ages.

    -> for ages 오랜 기간 동안

    To avoid getting sick of the house, we made changes occasionally.

    -> get sick of ~에 질리다.

    We did this bit by bit, instead of renovating the house all at once.

    -> bit by bit 조금씩

    When we moved in, we redid the wallpaper. We also redid the floors.

    -> redo the wallpaper 벽지를 새로 하다, redo the floors 바닥재를 교체하다.

    We hired workers to put in new tiles in the bathrooms.

    -> put in new tiles 타일을 새로 깔다.

    The wooden window frames were nice to look at.

    However, they let it called their drill the winter.

    -> However, they let in cold air during the winter.

    -> let in cold air 찬바람이 들어오게 하다.

    We replaced them with aluminum frames.

    Renovations take up a lot of time and money.

    -> take up a lot of time 시간이 많이 소요되다.

    However, it's worth it. When the work is over, the house feels new.


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