Joon's Story
[170607] 별자리 운세EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 12. 11:59
Talk about the horoscope.-> horoscope 점성술, 별점 There are many constellation in the sky.-> constellation 별자리 The twelve constellations of the horoscope are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus..... They were named that way because they resembled shapes in the eyes of many people.-> in the eyes of ~이 보기에 Depending on their date of birth, everyone has a zodiac sign.-> zodiac sign (점성술에 사용되는) 별자리 Some peo..
[170606] 정형외과 치료 받기EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 12. 11:49
Talk about when you got orthopedic treatment. Last month, I was getting some exercise. I must have overdone it, because my knee began to hurt.-> overdone something ~을 무리해서 하다. I thought that with restern beization? it will get better soon.-> I thought that with rest and relaxation, it would get better on its own. However, it only got worse. There was a constant throbbing pain in my knee.-> throb..
[170605] 불임·난임 치료EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 12. 11:36
Talk about fertility treatment.-> fertility treatment 임신 촉진 치료 The birthrate in Korea is at an all-time low.-> be at an all-time low 역대 최저치를 기록하다. This is because of social trend nowadays is the happy your children.-> This is because of social trend nowadays is to have fewer children. However, there are also couples who have a hard time having a baby. Many couples these days struggle with subfer..
[170612] 혼밥·혼술 트렌드EBS/입이 트이는 영어 2017. 6. 12. 10:24
Talk about the new trend of eating or drinking alone. In Korea, eating and drinking have traditionally been considered to be group activities. People are accustomed to having company when having meals or having drinks.-> have company 일행이 있다. However, more people are living alone these days. Lovely a corder all household are single person household.-> Roughly, a quarter of all households are sing..
Surfing story공부/이것저것 2017. 6. 12. 10:05
I want to tell you a story about what happened in Yang-yang. As I entered the water, I tried to ride the fist waves. But they were too high, so I got swept I was swept away by her beauty. I got washed up by the waves. The waves were about two and a half or three meters. After that, I laid down on the sand for about an hour. After that whole experience, I was a little scared of the waves..
6월 2주차EBS/Easy English 2017. 6. 12. 09:48
6.12First of all, Secondly(=Second of all), Thirdly~I like that it's transparent.For the past (week) 지난 얼마 동안(지난 한 주 동안) spread 자동사/타동사 모두로 쓰여 '바르다', '발리다'와 같이 모두 쓸 수 있다.It also spread smoothly and doesn't feel sticky. This is a list of (our) potential/possible/prospective customers.Email them with the product details/specifications. My shirt is see-through. 속이 다 비치는I like the way it doesn't sho..
[MSSQL] 데이터베이스 로그파일 축소카테고리 없음 2017. 6. 12. 08:43
MS-SQL은 실제 데이터가 저장된 데이터베이스 파일(*.mdf)과 데이터베이스의 처리에 대한 로그 파일(*.ldf)로 구성되어 데이터를 관리합니다. mdf 파일에는 현재 최종적인 데이터의 정보를 가지고 있는 실 데이터를 관리하는 데이터 파일이며,ldf는 데이터 변화에 따른 로그를 기록 관리 하는 파일입니다. ldf 파일은 데이터 복원에 있어서 중요한 파일이며, 이번 포스팅에서는 이 ldf 파일의 용량을 줄이는 방법에 대해서 설명합니다. 여러 데이터베이스를 관리하다 보면 몇몇 ldf 파일의 크기가 상당히 커지는 경우가 발생합니다.해당 DB의 접근이 많아 트랜잭션 로그가 지속적으로 또 급격히 쌓이거나 하는 경우입니다. ldf 파일을 서버 관리자가 정기적으로 별도의 백업을 하지 않거나 또는 정기 백업 시스템..