
  • Morning Special (2018. Jul. 27. Fri.)
    EBS/Morning Special 2018. 7. 27. 11:22

    Touch! Global Headlines


    A U.S. military transport plane took off from the Osan Air Base at around 6 AM today to pick up the remains of U.S. soldiers who died during the Korean War.



    President Moon Jae-in stressed the need to get to the bottom of the controversial proposal from the military intelligence unit to invoke martial laws.

    - controversial 논란이 많은

    intelligence unit 정보부대

    - invoke (법, 규칙 등을) 적용하다

    - martial law 계엄령


    The Korea Disaster Relief Team departed for Laos yesterday to help with relief efforts there after a dam collapsed and caused extensive flooding.

    extensive 아주 넓은, 대규모의


    Korea’s economic growth in the second-quarter dropped to the zero percent range.



    U.S. President Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker agreed to avoid an all-out trade war.

    - all out war 전면전, 총력전


    U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Washington’s goal is to achieve the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea by the end of Trump’s first term.

    irreversible 되돌릴 수 없는


    News Focus 1

    Yoon Su-mi and over 400 other of her fellow workers of Homeplus got their first paychecks as regular employees. Yoon joined Carrefour in 2004 as a contractor. After the company was acquired, she was dismissed as a result of a massive layoff. But on Thursday, Homeplus announced that it completed the conversion of 430 contractors under open-ended contracts who had been with the company for more than 12 years to full-time positions. The newly-minted employees received on-the-job training to perform their senior-level positions and started to work full-time the same day. They will receive the same salaries and welfare benefits as other senior employees in the company. The company's president said they are keeping pace with the government's goal of zero irregular employment.

    paycheck 급여

    - layoff 강제해고

    - open-ended 제한/제약을 두지 않는, 조정이 가능한

    - keep pace with 보조를 맞추다

    irregular 고르지 못한


    News Focus 2

    The obesity epidemic in Korea shows no signs of abating. In all adults, one in three are obese. But among adult men in Korea, the obesity rate is 42.3%. According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the adult male obesity level increased from 34.7 percent in 2005 to 42.3 percent in 2016. During this period, the female obesity rate decreased slightly from 27.3% to 26.4%. About 45.8 percent of males eat out at least once a day, and 32.4 percent of them skip breakfast. However as men and women grow older, obesity tends to decrease in men while it increases in women due to hormonal changes. Also, the lower the income level, the higher the obesity rate. The overall extreme obesity rate was 5.3% in 2015. But in the lowest income bracket 6.55% were morbidly obese while it was 4.89% in the high income group.

    obesity 비만

    - epidemic 유행병

    - abate 약해지다, 약화시키다

    obese 비만인

    bracket 계층

    morbidly 병에 걸려, 불건전하게


    News Focus 3

    On a recent trip abroad, U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly threw a hissy fit when he saw that his wife Melania was tuned into CNN on Air Force One. According to the New York Times, Trump blew a fuse on his staff for violating the rule that the White House entourage should begin each trip tuned to Fox News. Meanwhile, the First Lady's spokeswoman said that Melania Trump will watch any TV channel she wants. Apparently the First Couple wants to have separate TVs on trips per their latest request.

    - throw a hissy fit 심술을 부리다

    tune into ~로 채널을 맞추다

    - blow a fuse 분통이 터지다, 분통을 떠뜨리다



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