4월 1주차EBS/Power English 2017. 4. 14. 11:13반응형
I'm good.
-> =No, thank you; I don't need anything.
Are you sure? I hear they're very tasty.
I'v had serveral. I'm saving room for dessert.
The couple over at that table would like some music.
How's your head feeling?
I shouldn't have gone with Larry and the guys last night.
Can you sleep off your hang over this afternoon? 오늘 오후에 잠을 좀 자면 숙취가 사라지지 않을까?
I guess so, but it's seems like such a waste of time. 그럴 것 같긴 한데, 그건 정말 시간 낭비인 것 같아.
If you eat too much, it's best to go for a walk then try to sleep off.
shortchange (고의로) 거스름돈을 적게 주다, 불이익을 주다, 속이다.
I think that gyro stand much have shortchanged me.
Ruth felt like she was shortchanged by the judges.
Intentional shortchanging is rare, but it does happen.
Did u remember that u also bought some tissues from that conveinece store?
That explains the amount I have left.
The one on my lapdotp is out of whack. 제대로 안 돌아가는 cf) out of order 기계에 사용한다. ex) The phone is out of order.
Either this phone is out of whack or I've done something wrong.
Every "L" comes out as an "F". L을 칠때마다 F가 나와.
anthropology lecturer 인류학 강사
feather in one's cap 자랑스러운 일
It was a feather in his cap to have one of his poems published in the Newyorker.
Being selected for the senior orchestra was a feather in her cap.
There are so many savory(맛좋은) dishes to choose from
Are you going to get the same dish as usual?
That blunder he made may cost him his job. 어처구니 없는 실수 때문에 그는 실직을 할지도 모른다.
I know the odor is strong but you'll get used to it over time. 그 냄새가 강한 건 알겠지만, 시간이 지나면 익숙해질거야.
The police finally caught the drug dealer in the act. <catch one in the act) 경찰이 결국은 마약 거래상을 현상에서 체포했다.
I will be going pass the bakery. Can I get u anything?
during the workday 근무하는 동안
I've been feeling the pinch(손가락으로 집어내다) too. 나도 요새 돈에 좀 쪼들이거든
We still have some savings, but we'll feel the pinch next month.
I used to skip the breakfast at home,
or choke down(to eat something quickly) a piece of toast as I hightailed(서둘러 떠나다, 급히 달리다.) it out the door, but now I make a smoothie.
We had to hightailit to the market before they closed for the day.
I was so hungry I chocked down a whole bag of chips on my way home.
Far be it from me(~할 마음은 조금도 없지만) to want to lead you astray(길을 잃고; 정도에서 벗어나' 타락하여). 내가 너를 나쁜 길로 빠지게 하면 안되지.
Far be it from me to critcize you, so I'll just let you do what you want. 네가 하고 싶은대로 그냥 둘게.
trace : 흔적, 자취
evli : 사악한, 악랄한
It was as though he had never existed.
-> It was as though... : 마치 ~인 듯했다.
-> 마치 그가 존재한 적이 없는 듯 했다.
He grew more at peace with himself.
-> at peace with someone/something : ~을 편히 받아들이는
- > ex) My mother is finally at peace with her neighbors.
He was out and about
-> out and about : (어디든) 돌아다니는
Gradually, as time passed, Utterson's fear lessened.
-> lessen : (크기・강도・중요도 등이[을]) 줄다[줄이다]
-> ex) The noise began to lessen.
I'm at a loss as to what to do with this customer.
-> 이 고객을 어떻게 해야 할지 도통 모르겠어요.
-> = confused
He's very angry that we've placed a hold on his deposit.
-> 은행에서 예금을 출금 정지시켜서 엄청 화가 나셨어요.
He's threatening to make a scene.
-> 난동을 피우겠다고 협박하고 있어요.
-> make a scene : 난동을 피우다.
Did you remind him of the terms of his account?
-> 그분 계좌의 조건을 알려드렸나요?
He's upset the such important details are "lurking in the fine print," as he put it.
-> 그렇게 중요한 상세 조항이 그분 말에 의하면 "깨알 같은 글씨에 숨어 있다."는 것에 화가 나셨어요.
If you side with the customer, and he refuses to back down, then I'll approve the release of the funds.
-> side with = agree with
-> back down : 한 발짝 물러나다, 포기하다.
He's a regular customer, and this will help us keep his business.
-> 그는 단골고객이니 이번 일이 그와의 거래를 유지하는데 도움이 될거에요.
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