
  • 2.9 Locust Invasion
    공부/영어모임 2020. 2. 9. 22:22

    The livelihood of farmers and other food growers in East Africa is under attack from locusts.
    생계 (수단), 메뚜기

    Authorities say swarms of millions of locusts are ravaging large swathes of farmland and vegetation.
    (한 방향으로 이동하는 곤충의) 떼, (특히 같은 방향으로 급히 이동 중인) 군중, 황폐하게 만들다, 뒤덮다, 초목

    The swarms of locusts are spreading and could affect the agriculture, bushland and forests of neighbouring countries. 숲지대

    The United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) report that some swarms have been sighted as far afield as Yemen and Oman in the Gulf. ~와 같이 멀리 떨어진 곳에서

    It is the worst locust invasion in 70 years and some say it is reaching Biblical proportions. 대규모의

    The swarms of locusts will only worsen the plight of people living in the region. 악화되다/악화시키다, 역경/곤경

    Locusts are extremely voracious pests. (음식에 대해) 게걸스러운, 해충

    A small swarm could chomp its way through enough food to feed 35,000 people in just one day. (음식을) 쩝쩝 먹다


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