
  • 1.28 Stress really does turn your hair grey
    공부/영어모임 2020. 1. 28. 19:00

    Stress really does turn your hair grey   (26th January, 2019)

    Scientists have discovered that stress is one factor in turning our hair grey, white or silver - at least, in mice.

    mouse의 복수


    Stem cell biologists from Harvard University in the USA conducted a series of tests on mice to ascertain the effects of stress on the rodents.

    줄기세포, (옳은 정보를) 알아내다[확인하다]


    This caused a hair-colouring pigment in the mice to go into overdrive as a reaction to the stress and deplete colour-regenerating stem cells.

    색소, 열성을 다하기 시작하다, 대폭 감소시키다


    "The detrimental impact of stress that we discovered was beyond what I imagined."



    It is believed that France's Queen Marie Antoinette's hair turned white the night before she was beheaded during the French Revolution in the late-eighteenth century.

    목을 베다, 참수하다.


    The strains of leadership seem to go to the roots of things, especially hair follicles.

    담, 압박, 압력, 모낭


    Worryingly, she hypothesised that stress could be responsible for accelerating the aging process.

    가설을 세우다[제기하다]


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