
  • 원어민 느낌 터지는 한여름 영어표현 다섯가지
    공부/날라리 데이브 2017. 7. 7. 12:56

    David offered to give me a ride to work this morning.

    She's headed to America for summer vacation.

    The reason why 절, is because 절

    The reason why I'm giving her a ride today is because the weather is so hot.

    Literally 말 그대로, 정말로(보통 문장의 맨 앞 혹은 맨 뒤에 붙는다.)

    Literally, I couldn't walk for 20 feet. 

    #1 : It's scorching (hot) today.(=It is a(에이) scorcher today.) 빠삭빠삭 타들어가다.

    #2 : The air/weather is so stuffy/sticky.

    #3 : I sweat a lot. 

    carry around ~를 챙겨 다니다.

    He carries around extra shirt.

    I don't really care. vs I wouldn't really care.

    don't을 wouldn't으로 바꾼 이유는 실제로 care하기 때문.

    I took him to a fancy restaurant. Almost a hotel-like restaurant.

    That was a castle-like house.

    명사 뒤에 -like를 붙여서 ~같은 의미를 갖게끔 형용사화 시켜주면 원어민 느낌이 난다.

    He's like "why are people taking pictures of food?"

    인용하여 쓸 때 like를 사용한다.

    #4 : I really don't do well in the heat. 더위에 약해.

    I really appreciate my brother for giving me a ride to work today.

    We're almost here.

    This seems like it's a defective. 불량

    #5 : It's so hot that you can/could literally cook an egg on the sidewalk.



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